Second Year I.

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The morning of September first came awfully fast. After Rhea spent her summer home with her uncle Remus. Occasionally going on small trips around the country. She wrote letters to her friends weekly. With Fred and George sometimes even daily. The two informed her about all of the pranks they pulled on their siblings and how they missed her. They even met up in Diagon alley when they went for their books for school. And Rhea was getting herself some new robes because magically she had grown over the summer. It wasn't quite as much like Fred and George and she still would easily be the shortest out of her friends, but now she could at least tower over some first years that will be coming this year.

Overall her summer was quite good and Rhea couldn't remember a bad memory from it. Everything was just perfect. She had plans for this year. Being determined to get herself into the Quidditch team as a chaser. She discussed this with her friends through letters and all of them agreed. They all will be trying out. They knew that not all of them would make it in. But this was only their second year and there was always a chance of joining later.

Rhea was in her room. Throwing everything possible into her trunk. This last week she was so occupied with everything that she completely forgot to pack herself. And by occupied is meant that she got a new book from her uncle and was reading it day and night, only ever stopping when Remus forcefully took it from her to get her to eat or to go to sleep. Her last week of holiday was therefore spent with her nose in a book. Ignoring all the owls that came from her friends. Which she only just now started realising when earlier this morning she noticed the large pile of letters on the table. Most of them being from Fred and George. Asking whether she was still alive and if she was angry at them for not answering back. Later they turned to just threats of getting pranked once she sees them on the train.

That was the moment when she realised that she might need to start packing if she wants to leave for Hogwarts at all. And that is why she started packing on September first at eight in the morning. Unintentionally waking up her uncle when she tripped over the trunk while collecting all her books. The books scattering on the ground followed by Rhea. Creating a loud booming sound that shook the whole house. So it was no surprise when Remus rushed inside her room a few seconds later, with his wand in hand ready to defeat anyone or anything that decided to invade their house.

Only to sigh when he noticed Rhea on the ground with a mess of books in front of her and clothes haphazardly sticking out of the trunk, all wrinkly and unfolded. Of course, he didn't fail to notice the storybook he had got for her which rested on her bedside table, the bookmark she used was pulled out of it indicating that she was finished with the thick book already. With an eye roll, he swished his wand causing the books to lift from the ground, her clothes started folding themselves and everything got placed into the trunk neatly.

Rhea watched astonished, at how easy it was for her uncle to tidy up the mess she had made. Wondering just how skilled she needs to get to master the spells quite as effortlessly as her uncle. Of course, she knew how to levitate with things. She knew many useful spells. But they always required so much trying concentration while in Remus case it looked like he didn't even have to look and it would work out for him.

Once everything was in its place, Remus turned to his goddaughter to see her sitting on the ground. Look amazed at the packed trunk before turning her gaze towards her uncle, pulling off her best sheepish smile. The older wizard shook his head.

"I told you to pack a week ago." He stated calmly. Knowing better than to be angry at the girl. He used to have the same problems. Knowing how it is when you get engulfed with a good book. the world just disappears suddenly. And given her father's nature, he wasn't a tad bit surprised by this.

"I know. It just...I don't know..." Rhea couldn't find her words. Her skilful silver tongue not moving fast enough to get her out of the situation. "I'm sorry," She concluded, knowing it would be better to apologise than come up with some lame excuse for this situation. Remus shook his head, not intending to have a long monologue about responsibility again.

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