Third Year VII.

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Rhea was ecstatic to finally see her uncle again. It felt like a whole eternity being apart from him. She had so many things to tell him that she didn't manage to write into her letter. Her mind was racing, full of things to say, trying to figure out which one to let out of her mouth first. She was so excited she almost forgot to say bye to her friends. But that was something Fred and George would not approve of. So just for the fun of it, they held her up a bit too long. Enjoying how annoyed she was.

But in the end they of course let her go after their mum scolded them about being nice to Rhea and letting her go to her uncle. Remus was watching the whole situation from afar just like always. Keeping his distance from others so no one would question his scars but still in the eyesight so Rhea would be able to spot him in the crowd. Rhea trotted towards her uncle, the only thing that was somewhat slowing her down was her heavy trunk which she was dragging behind her.

She almost knocked the man over when she attacked him with a giant hug. Excited to finally see him. Remus let out a laugh, hugging her back. It was always the best thing, seeing how much Rhea loved him. She would always let it be known that she loved her Godfather. He was her only family of course but even if he wouldn't be she would love him the same. Because he was always there for her when she needed it and he took care of her, and that is something that she will never forget.

Remus enjoyed those little displays of affection coming from his goddaughter. Whether it would be just her making him tea, or these simple hugs and cheerful smiles. She always seemed to lift his spirits up. Sometimes he would forget that she is not actually his daughter. But then the realisation hits him every time Rhea's face would break into that mischievous smirk he got so used to seeing on the face of one of his best friends. And he couldn't pretend to not see that, because it was an evident indication of whose daughter she was.

But he still loved her as his own. Never once hesitating to show her how much he cared. And every time Rhea would be sad about the lack of parents, Remus was always there to land a helping hand. To be there for her and cheer her up the best way he could. He knew it wasn't the same as if her father would do that, since Sirius had a natural talent of making everyone around him smile. And Rhea's mother, she was the kindness itself. Always making sure everyone felt all right and was always there to help when needed. And even if Remus was not one of her parents, he tried his best and always succeeded in making Rhea smile, even if it was just a little bit.

The two of them made their way home from the platform. Remus taking Rhea's trunk from her as he carried it with ease in his right hand. Rhea who was walking next to him was bouncing up and down. Still trying to figure out where to start. She wasn't sure how to sort out her thoughts in order of importance. What was she supposed to tell him first? What would interest him the most? Should she start with boring stuff like school? That is usually what adults care about, no?

Remus noticed the anxious fidgeting of the girl. Finding it quite amusing how hyper she seemed to be but at the same time deep in her thoughts. He knew she was trying to figure out what to tell him first. She always had so many things to say at the same time but was trying to reduce them and only say one so she won't rant everything out at once. Because that way no one would understand her. Something that he taught her some time ago.

"So, what happened this year?" Remus asked, triggering the conversation. Rhea looked up at him, her green eyes fixing on him. Taking in a long intake of air she opened her mouth and that's how it all started. She started talking. Taking it straight up from the beginning of the year, mentioning every little detail that she didn't feel like citing in letters that she wrote him every week. One would think that with a letter every year that he had received from his beloved goddaughter, that he would be informed even about how often McGonagall turned into a cat.

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