Fifth year IX.

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"Oh come on Rhea, tell us what flavour it is finally." Angelina groaned, throwing herself on the couch of the common room next to Katie. The four of them, Angelina, Katie, Alicia and Lee were trying to figure out the flavour of Rhea's new chapstick that she got for Christmas from her uncle. The blonde promised to buy butterbeer to anyone who guesses it right so everyone was now trying their best to guess the flavour of the chapstick that Rhea had on her lips. The tube with it was safely hidden in her pocket just in case.

"Yeah, we've been at this for about an hour already," Katie let her head fall on Angelina's shoulder. Feeling tired just from guessing the flavour of some chapstick. The others were here because they were supposed to meet before a training session, their last before the match. But Lee and Katie just didn't want to be alone in their dorms and they were tired of just being with each other.

Rhea was leaning against the wall, enjoying the struggle of her friends. Alicia was sitting on the ground crossing out every possible option on the table while Lee was daydreaming about how much butterbeer he'll have Rhea buy him if he guesses the right flavour. But to be honest he was furthest from it out of all of them. It was a miracle how they managed to occupy themselves with something that simple.

"Exactly, I'm quite surprised you haven't guessed it yet." Rhea snickered shaking her head. Ginny that was sitting by the fireplace doing her homework turned over to Rhea with a smirk. The ginger knew about what kind of chapstick it was, Rhea had already shown her when they were spending their day together since Rhea was forbidden to visit Hogsmeade last term because of the fight that occurred one night in Great Hall.

Alicia lifted her head to glare at Lee who was lying upside down in the armchair opposite her. His dreadlocks swept against the ground. He was humming under his breath something incoherent, causing Alicia to frown in annoyance.

"To be frank, some of us aren't helping at all." She sassed staring daggers at the dark-skinned boy with dreadlocks. Lee opened his eyes when he felt her piercing stare at him.

"What? I tried." The guy with dreadlocks defended himself. A slightly offended look set on his face. Alicia and Lee have been fighting these past few days. For no apparent reason. They just kept getting on each other's nerves.

"Bacon or pickles aren't chapstick flavours dimwit," The dark-haired girl snapped. Rolling her eyes at the boy. No one knew what the issue between them was but they were quite nasty towards one another.

"And how am I supposed to know? Did you ever see me wear chapstick Alicia?!" Lee even went as far as sitting up in the armchair so his intense glare at the girl would reach its purpose.

"Calm down you two." Katie sighed, rolling her eyes at the bickering duo. The straight line between the two could have been burned by their intense stares.

"Strawberry!" Angelina yelled triumphantly shooting up from her seat, causing Katie to hit her head against Angelina's shoulder. Katie hissed while Rhea shook her head. Amused by the situation. It was better than thinking about the intense situation around her which regarded her father.

"Angie, you already guessed that...three times." Angelina frowned sitting back on the couch in defeat.

"I just really want it to be strawberry," Angelina muttered. She has been obsessed with strawberries these past few weeks. Ever since they had that strawberry cake at the feast last month. She just can't get the red fruit out of her head. Even the new headband Rhea made for her had tiny strawberries on it. That's how much she loves it. Weird thing is that until now she had a deep hatred towards strawberries. Tastes truly do change.

"Well too bad it isn't, at least I know what to get you for your birthday next year," Rhea said shaking her head. Making a mental note to buy Angelina a strawberry-flavoured one for her birthday next October. "Any other guesses?" Rhea asked, getting comfortable in her position against the wall. She was expecting some more ridiculous guesses from her friends. While the flavour of her chapstick was quite basic it was astounding that they haven't tried it out yet.

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