Fourth Year II.

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"That's the main road," said George, peering down through the windshield. "We'll be there in ten minutes...Just as well, it's getting light..." The group of five have been travelling in the flying car for the remainder of the night. Fred driving the best he could far too excited to be behind the steering wheel to even think about falling asleep. Unlike George who was trying with all his might to stay away so he could navigate his twin brother. Rhea, trusting her two best friends and being tired from the previous day fell asleep, her head falling on George's shoulder, using it as a pillow. She has been in dreamland since they flew out of the city so good hour or so. George didn't mind much her laying on his shoulder

A faint pinkish glow was visible along the horizon to the east. Signalling that it was indeed beginning to get light outside. Their mother is used to waking up with the first rays of sunshine so they might need to hurry home. Or else Mrs Weasley would have their heads. And that is something no one is looking forward to.

"Might want to wake up the sleeping beauty then," Fred said, not tearing his eyes from the sky. Merlin knows what could happen if he swerved the wrong way now. They might as well crash into a flock of ducks or something. George tore his eyes from the road below them and turned his head to the sleeping girl on his shoulder. Being the gentler twin of the two, he just gently shook her shoulder, trying hard not to startle her.

Rhea opened her eyes with a start. Pale green irises lightly hazed with the fog of sleepiness looked around, trying to remember where she was. When it finally clicked to her she slowly lifted her head off George's shoulder, looking outside at mesmerising view of the sunrise. It was truly beautiful. But there was still a question where exactly was the flying car now.

"Where are we?" Rhea asked, her voice still slightly raspy from the sleep. She rubbed her eye, trying to get the sleep out of them.

"We're a little way outside the village," George told her kindly. "Ottery St. Catchpole." Rhea nodded at his answer, sending him a tired smile as she leaned a bit further back into the seat so her back was pressed flat against the backrest.

"Freddie, do you know how to land this thing?" Rhea asked the important question, just out of the blue when she saw the tip of the roof of the Weasley household. Her attention turned towards Fred who wore that ever-so-confident smirk on his face.

"Honestly I never tried it yet, but how hard can it be?" The easiness of his voice was ironically making Rhea very uneasy. The sleep fully left her as she felt wide awake when hearing Fred's carefree statement.

"Every time someone says that in my books, there is a death following." She couldn't help but put that input in. Feeling the need to point out that this might not be as good of an idea as the ginger behind the steering wheel was hoping. Lower and lower went the flying car. The edge of a brilliant red sun was now gleaming through the trees. Rhea squeezed her eyes shut, getting ready for the landing. That as she assumed wouldn't be as smooth as she would like it to be.

"Touchdown!" Fred yelled as a warning, as the car bumped against the ground causing Rhea to squeak. The sound brought so much enjoyment to the ginger behind the steering wheel who was glad for the new teasing material that he had on his friend. They had landed next to a tumbledown garage in a small yard right in front of the randomly constructed house. It looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic, well it was most probable. In the house, the Weasleys lived for so long and the fact that it is filled mainly with boys was most prominent in it.

Rhea remembers the twins and Charlie joking about when their dad was building the house along with their uncles from their mother's side, who unfortunately are no longer around. They said that their mum was too busy with kids to keep an eye on them and so while constructing it, Arthur along with Gideon and Fabian drank a bit too much Firewhiskey. Hence why the house looks so crooked. Of course, it didn't have to be true. But it was too funny to not be considered as.

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