First Year IV.

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"You guys are sure about this?" Lee asked timidly when he, Fred and George made their way down the stairs to meet up with Rhea in the common room. It has been a few months of them at Hogwarts and Fred, George and Rhea had already managed to make themselves be known to the other occupants of the school. Going through the school the rumour about them, giving them a name the Mischief Trio. Thanks to the prank that they had pulled on the Slytherin table.

As funny as others found them, no one wanted to be on the other side of their pranks. And most people in school were trying to keep on their good side. That, however, didn't apply to Slytherins. More specifically some stuck up members of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Even more specifically, Marcus Flint and his younger friend Adrian Pucey. Marcus played on a position of Chaser for Slytherin. A big rival of Oliver Wood that was according to Fred and George's brother Charlie a star Keeper. Oliver and Marcus were both in the third year already much like Percy. While Adrian was the first year.

The Mischief Trio wouldn't have cared for the two unimportant greasy Slytherins if it wouldn't be for the fact that they had been teasing Rhea about her height two days prior. The blonde girl was trying not to let it bother her, it was just a stupid pinpointing of something that she didn't see as a flaw in herself. But it all became different when they mistook her short fragile frame with weakness. That was a big crossing of a line that Rhea felt ashamed of. This didn't go unnoticed by her two best friends that have been there the whole time. The two boys have been coming up with a perfect prank for the two Slytherin bullies until now. Today was the day when they will get it all into motion and get them back.

They asked Rhea to meet them in the common room at midnight. Because midnight is such a good time for pranking according to the two gingers. They forced Lee to tag along regardless of the boy's protests.

"Yes, very sure," Fred answered, pushing him in front of him while George was leading the way down the stairs. They made it into the common area where they spotted Rhea sitting on the couch reading something. She was sitting still, the only thing moving was her tired eyes that were sadly and exhaustedly scanning through the letters written on the parchment in neat handwriting.

She didn't yet notice the three boys, too caught up in the meaning of the words, soaking it in which created some sort of heavy depressed feeling in her chest. Bitting the side of her cheek to keep the tears at bay she continued reading the letter over and over again. Fred immediately recognised that something was wrong with the girl. The way she sat, slouched down and still was the main indicator of it. Rhea was usually cheerful. Jumping in her seat in excitement, not being able to keep still.

"Hey, Rera, ready to go?" Fred spoke, coming closer to the couch. At the sound of his voice, Rhea quickly folded the piece of parchment, hiding it in the pocket of her pyjama pants. She stood up, forcing a smile to her lips. She turned to them and nodded. Fred and George exchanged worried glances while Lee stayed oblivious to everything. Deciding silently to keep going for now and question the girl later Fred and George started walking towards the portrait entrance, making sure that Lee was walking behind them. Maybe unwillingly but at least he was walking.

Rhea strolled behind them, trying to go a bit faster to catch up with the twins. The group were fast to exit their common room. Slightly angering the portrait of the Fat Lady which they woke up when they were leaving. It might be slight trouble getting back inside once they are done with their plans. Starting their journey down the stairs that were luckily standing still, not moving and leading exactly where they needed them to. Down.

"Since you kidnapped me, could you at least tell me what are we doing?" Lee whisper yelled, almost tripping on the stairs due to bad vision caused by darkness. To prevent himself from falling his hand shot forward landing on George's back. The ginger in front of him hissed slightly, catching himself on the railing before he could fall. Slowly turning his head to glare at his friend and roommate.

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