Sixth Year XII.

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"I still don't get it," Alicia said flipping through the book of Herbology. She had an essay she needed to do for next week, but let's be honest, Herbology isn't her forte. Katie who sat next to her glanced inside the book to see what page she was on, only to roll her eyes.

"That might be because you are supposed to do the paper about Dittany not Aconite, dimwit." Katie corrected, flipping the pages of Alicia's book to the right one. Alicia scanned the page, reading the first few lines.

"Oh, this does make more sense than the last one..." She said her cheek flushing with a subtle red tint from embarrassment. She cleared her throat shaking her head. "But that is not what I wanted." She looked over at Rhea who was reading through some old-looking book that she received from Harry for Christmas. He said he got it when he was in London during the summer. "So you said you saw Fred at the Three Broomsticks?"

Rhea rolled her eyes. Putting her book down before glancing over at Alicia. It was the fourth time Alicia wanted to discuss this topic again. It was still the same topic over and over again. How Fred invaded Rhea's date with Cedric. Well, actually he didn't but at the same time doesn't make sense.

"I already told you. Cedric and I went to Three Broomsticks for Butterbeer because the teashop of Madame Paddifoot's is far too tacky and frilly in my opinion."

"So it's not your cup of tea," Angelina said with a chuckle. The other three girls looked over at her with surprised or quizzical expressions. "Oh come on, I want to make jokes too. Ah, whatever leave it."

"Anyway...while we were in Three Broomsticks we were talking, everything was good and then Fred came with George and Lee behind him. He was being unnecessarily loud. And even if he didn't directly go up to us and break us apart like he always does, he kept glancing over at us making sure we noticed him there. I mean, of course, we noticed him, he was so loud one would have to be deaf not to know he was there." Rhea said with annoyance lining her voice.

"Maybe he was being jealous? That's the whole point of this isn't it?" Katie suggested. Her attention was captured seconds later by passing Beauxbatons girls. She was searching for Vivienne, her date from Yule Ball. She yet didn't have the time to speak with her. But it was clear Katie was smitten by the girl.

"I doubt that honestly, he was flirting with a girl like ten minutes after his arrival. Not a sign of jealousy or affection. So the plan is failing." Rhea explained her thoughts to the other girls, well, those that were listening anyway.

"Maybe he is just trying to hide it?" Alicia suggested, frowning in Katie's way since the girl was leaning over the table, pushing aside Alicia's books. "Do you mind?" She huffed, shoving Katie's elbow off the table causing her to hit her chin against it.

Rhea sighed, not really believing that Fred would be able to hide something like that. Or that he would be even slightly interested in her. He just doesn't like Cedric and that is all it takes for him to be mean and moody every time he sees him. There is no affection included whatsoever.

The library that they were in was still full of students but everyone was doing their own thing, not minding the bickering between Alicia and Katie or Angelina furiously glaring at her Potions book. Nor did they notice Rhea's lost look that she had in her eyes. Mind trailing off to somewhere where no one could reach her. She didn't even know what she was thinking about. Could have been self-pity, could have been blaming herself, could have been rage. No one could be sure.

But the peaceful atmosphere was to be interpreted as Fred and George strolled inside the library. Angelina was the first to notice them and she elbowed the two girls next to her to catch their attention as well. Angelina, Katie and Alicia were keeping a close eye on the two boys. With their eyes pushing them as far away from them as possible. Since Rhea didn't look to be in a state of mind to be talking with Fred right now. George seemed to understand the stern stares of the three girls and he kept pushing his brother in the direction of where Harry and his two friends were trying to figure out something about the second task.

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