Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Doubt and differences

    There was something different about Iason since he lost his memories. Gone was the child who wanted to hear stories about his Father Aeson and the various tales of people and gods of this land. Since losing his memories, Iason becomes subdued and silent. He doesn't speak and move around much like a hyperactive child. There were no cries or whining, urging him to teach him how to use a sword or become a Hero just like his previous students.

Curiosity and wonder disappeared along with ignorance. Replace by a somber look and the frequent habit of looking into the distance. Dissonant with the reality as if he wasn't really in this place.

{ Chiron!! Call me Iason from now on! Since you teach that herb stuff, it's fitting if my name suits them! }

Since losing his memories, Iason has changed.

" Teacher, I wanted to be called Diomedes. Is it okay? "

Chiron never thought that his student wanted to be called his name again.

{ Dio.Medes. Too mouthy and long! Going to change it! }

" It's alright. "

" Thank you for accepting my selfish request, Chiron... I meant. Teacher! "

" It's alright if you just call me Chiron. "

" Really? "

" The Previous ones have just called me by my name, I see no problem with you calling me that way. "

" It sounds too disrespectful... "

{ Too formal. I don't like it! }

" I allow you to use my name. "

" Hmm... How about I just call you Sensei? "

" Sensei? "

" Can I call you Sensei? "

" What does that mean? "

" A 'nickname' for you Teacher. "

" Through I doesn't understand what does that mean.. since you're looking happy with your idea, I would allow you to call me that. "

" Yay! "

" You are acting strange Ia–... Diomedes. "

" Sensei, I have remembered that you would teach me how to use a bow today isn't it? "

" What about your sword practice? "

" But my progress in the sword was slow... It wasn't like that I am not advancing at all. "

" .... Diomedes, you do not become an expert in a day or a week. With proper dedication and perseverance, I am certain that you would become a proper sword wielder someday. And you are still too young to give up. "

Diomedes didn't look like he believe his words with the way he frowned and pursed his lips.

It was very different from how Iason insisted and whined on learning the sword previously. Before he have eaten something that he shouldn't eat and resulted in this. (Though he was certain that fruit didn't cause someone to lose their memories) What has caused Iason to lose his memories? He has changed so much that it wasn't like the little child that he knows.

The one who he has taken care of since he was just a little infant.

It's been one month since the accident, from a hyperactive and whining child, Iason becomes someone that he doesn't know since raising him.

What was here was Diomedes. An enigma. Chiron wondered if it was the work of one of the gods to have caused Iason.. to turn like this.


Jason watched as Chiron's silhouette disappear from the distance. He frowned as he watched him (run) or Gallop from the tree-covered slope of the mountain.

Today, Chiron has said that he would visit one of the markets of the Kingdom of Aeolia. Just like the usual which has he gotten used to it once every week. He would look forward to what has Chiron brought home once he comes back but Jason would like it if Chiron have invited him to come to the Aeolia.

He was looking forward to having another scenery other than trees and the panoramic view of the Aeolia, the mountains of Magnesia, nearby mountains in Aeolia, and the clear view of Mount Olympus in this mountain.

Every time he stared at the sight of that mountain, Jason would only feel fear and anger rising inside him.

After watching Chiron disappear, Jason decided to walk around the mountain but do not stay far away from Chiron's home. (He couldn't still accept the fact that the cave is called home) Jason started practicing his archery skills. He has managed to hit 4/10 trees that he has placed some marks on them. It was better than his atrocious sword skills.

He wasn't certain why his sword skills are so horrible that his training always ended up nearly injuring himself. Maybe it has just to do with who was the owner of this body. Considering that man wasn't talented in the sword, and him with no absolute knowledge in anything regarding swords– (Is his knowledge about games and anime considered knowledge?) It's no wonder that it would result in something like this.

He was a very disastrous noob when it comes to learning words. If he was no good at it, Jason would decide to give up on it without hesitation. He doesn't like to put any effort into something that he wasn't good at.

It was a bother and a waste of time.

And having horrible sword skills wouldn't enhance his success in avoiding his 'fate'.

If he was horrible at something, it was better if he find an alternative. If he was no good at being a Saber, then he can choose the other routes.

Asking to learn archery from Chiron... Jason considered it to be a good alternative. And for him, it also made a fucking sense when he would learn Archery from Chiron who was skilled in the bow– the one who would be made into the constellation of Sagittarius someday. Even he would also be horrible in using a bow, with Chiron as a good teacher and a bow expert– he was certain that he would become a decent archer. (In normal archery skills– not talking about being an archer servant)

After practicing to shoot his arrows, Jason went on to proceed on his next daily task. Climbing on trees. The small hands to which he become gotten accustomed now were filled with more callouses and bruises. The body was covered in scratches and bruises.

For Jason, climbing on trees is essential to him when he is in the fucking mountain. Who knows what would happen when Chiron isn't around home and he encountered something dangerous.

Chiron has used to tell in his lessons about the presence of other creatures and dangerous animals on the mountain. Jason made sure to take those lessons on his mind since it was necessary for his survival.

Chiron's lesson about the different plants, herbs, and medicine was also important for his survival. He was attentive to those lessons and insist on learning how to make those traditional cures and antidotes. So far, Jason has only learned the basics.

Climbing the trees was also good for building his stamina. Someday he swore to himself, that he would also learn how to jump on trees to trees like a Ninja. Since he was certain that there was no Chakra for him to do that, Jason as usual would find other alternatives.

For example, he could also end up learning Magecraft for his survival.

Learning Magic would be on his list. Considering this world, it would be a necessity for him to ensure that he would be prepared as possible for that damned future.

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