Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Daily Circumstances

     It's been one week since then..  7 days since he got the shock of his life and found himself in a body of a child. Not just he was transmigrated. He has been transmigrated in a fictional world and also has been traveled back into the past. In the Age of the Gods of Ancient Greece. What was more unacceptable was that he was in the body of a 5-year-old little boy. A boy named Iason was the future leader of Argonauts and would be someday recorded at the throne of heroes as a Heroic Spirit.

He doesn't want any of this at all. It has been one week. But it feels like a fantasy and an unbelievable dream. He misses his parents, his home, and everything that was in his former world. Even the bad things and that money-grubbing company.

Is it because that he was petty to Jason that someone has decided to do this? Just because he burned him and always watched him suffer through his Noble Phantasms?

He misses his home. He wanted to go back. He wants to wake up.

" Iason? What are you doing outside so early in the morning? The sun hasn't risen. It is cold here outside. "

He was pulled out of his melancholic thoughts when he heard Chiron's voice. Jason stared at the man– the centaur. He couldn't still believe that he would meet him at all. A fictional character that turned out real as he was transported in their world.

" I just want to look at the scenery. "

He responded to the question.

" I see.. "

Despite knowing some facet of the man's character and personality, he wasn't comfortable talking with Chiron.

" It is good that you appreciate the wonderful beauty of nature, but your body is still weak. You may catch a cold if you refuse to go back inside. "

He wasn't good at talking with strangers and people. Socializing isn't his forte.

At Chiron's urging, Jason eventually went back inside Chiron's home. It was a very wide and spacious place. It was dark and has a wide variety of rocks and stones inside them. Chiron's home was a cave. It consists of a few objects like pots, their very few clothes, fabrics, hays, Chiron's bow, his medicinal herbs, ingredients, and tools.

Chiron's home consists of his bed (the smoothly carved hard rock), Chiron's bed (a pile of hay), Chiron's medicine room( just those medicinal tools and ingredients clustered in some vacant space), and the place where they usually eat their food– a place where the light outside of the cave can reach and where Chiron usually gathered the sticks and woods that he has gathered and made them into a campfire.

" I have managed to pick up a lot of fruits today. Let's eat. "

Chiron gave him half of the share of the fruits that he have picked up today. Jason accepted it with his small hands.

" Thank you... Teacher. "

" It's no problem. We should thank the gods and goddesses for their blessings. "

Jason nodded his head hesitantly. As usual that he was slowly getting accustomed, he followed Chiron on thanking those gods and goddesses. Even though he doesn't want to thank them, he needs to do it. Greek gods and goddesses were famous for their pettiness. (Most of them are a bunch of jerks) He doesn't want to incur their wrath just because he forgot to thank them.

After thanking the gods and goddesses, he and Chiron started eating the fruits as their breakfast. In the few weeks, they have eaten fruits as breakfast a few times. Twice they have eaten that hard and unpalatable bread as their breakfast. With the bread dipped into a wine diluted in water.

For their lunch, aside from fruits, they have bread and a diluted wine to drink. One time, Chiron has hunted a rabbit and they have eaten the rabbit after it has its fur removed, organs removed, cleaned, and roasted. Jason felt sick when he saw the process. He knew that it was necessary but he has only seen and done killing a hen, turkey, and the chopping of pig meat and cow. He have once a pet rabbit when he was a kid.

He has nearly thrown up the rabbit meat that he has eaten under the worried eyes of Chiron despite the rabbit meat is a few times better than hard bread and those sour and sweet fruits.

After the dilemma, it also entered his mind that he was somewhat wrong about some things. He was wrong about a few things. Chiron wasn't a vegetarian at all. He also needs to eat meat. And he also eats food more than three times a day.

Over this one week, he learned a lot of things about Chiron and Jason.. or Iason. According to Chiron, Iason has eaten a fruit that was very poisonous and nearly killed his life if it wasn't treated immediately. Thankfully, Chiron knew the cure of it and immediately made them and have Iason drink it. After that, Chiron was supposed to lecture Iason about eating unknown fruits if he haven't just pulled the amnesia card. Iason's days were supposed to continue normally after three days of resting his body physically and mentally. Chiron lessons would normally continue after that.

But because he have pulled the amnesia card, until now there were no physically exhausting activities and chores for him. Most of his days were Chiron teaching him how to read and write. There was no starting to teach him how to use a sword or a bow– Chiron told him that was supposed to happen if he haven't eaten the fruit.

Now other than reading and writing, Chiron was making him identity the fruits, plants, and herbs that were commonly found on this Mountain. What were those plants that he should avoid, he shouldn't eat and he shouldn't touch.

He was also getting a lecture about the inhabitants of this forest. There are other dwellers beside the two of them inside this mountain. There are other centaurs, animals, and creatures that were inhabiting Mount Pelion. Chiron lectured that he shouldn't wander around the mountain without him and just stay here in the cave.

After breakfast, Jason has nothing to do but watch Chiron make those medicines. And after that, he would watch Chiron polish his arrows while Jason would watch him with a faraway look in his eyes.

It's been one week. Jason hoped that he has been in a very strange dream. But it's been one week. He has no choice but to accept the cold reality. He has been living here now. He wouldn't be able to go back to his home.

Just watching Chiron polish his arrows and sharpening their points serve as cold and hard evidence. He was just previously a fictional character to him. But now, Jason was depending on him for his current circumstances. He eats the food provided by this wise and kind Centaur. He was sleeping in this Centaur's home. Chiron was trying his best to take care of him. And here he was, a faker and a liar. He has replaced someone. Even though it was against his will– even that guy would grow up to be a bastard, the current child Iason didn't deserve to have his life taken from him because of the whims of someone.

" Iason, what's wrong? "

" Nothing... I just can't believe all of the things that happened.. "

" Yes, it is unbelievable. Losing your memories is a serious matter. "

From being antisocial to becoming a continuous liar and deceiver... He wondered, just how long will this charade take?

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