Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: The fate and a wedding

Aeson was the king of Iolcus. He was the rightful king of a small kingdom. He was....the Original's father. The parent of the body that he was occupying. The father that he truly never knows. For Jason, Aeson is a mere stranger to him.

So, the moment that Chiron told him the death of Aeson, Jason didn't know what to do. He was confused. Should he cry? Mourn for a stranger? Or feel grief at the death of the man? He only dreamed of the man one time. Yet, as Jason recounted the face of Chiron telling the death of Aeson, he feels empty. It never hits so deep to him that he was just basically a stranger to this world until that moment. Jason was a body snatcher. He was living the life of someone who Jason swore he would never become.

After the feeling of emptiness, Jason has become more determined to never meet the ending of the Leader of the Argonauts. It was a common theme for Greek Mythology to have most of the characters meeting a tragic end. Jason never wanted to end up as those stereotypes. Yet, he knows that it would be unavoidable for the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus to start meddling with the lives of mortals and ordinary people. But what Jason was afraid of the most isn't the Ruler of Olympus Zeus. It wasn't neither was Hera nor Aphrodite who would cause the root of Original's tragedy in the future. What he was afraid of was the omnipotent force that holds everyone. Even the Olympus Deities would be at their mercy. Jason was afraid of his life never being under his control. Fate— It was Fate what Jason is afraid of. Even it was never his fate that Jason was dragged to act and perform.

From stories and literature, it was depicted that fate was unavoidable. As they said, Fate was always a bitch. The death of Aeson was a sign for Jason. The Original's Fate. He hated them. And what is more important is that this is also a world that wasn't destined to last. Jason was dragged into a world of a lostbelt that was destined for culling.

This world is running out of time according to what Hypnos has told him. Despite that, Jason could see that the people are ignorant of this world's inevitable end. They are living their life peacefully. In two years Jason learned that this Lostbelt has both Magic and damn Gundam technology used both of the people of this world, and sometimes combined. It is both fascinating and strange. But despite how peaceful this world looks on the surface, there is something that was lurking beneath its deceiving surface. Is the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus hiding that important information from the people? Is it for their safety or just for the sake of selfishness?

Jason could only guess between the two. But if he would be asked about his bias opinion, Jason would be leaning towards the latter.

Fate is inevitable... But maybe, there was a way to escape them. Jason believes it. And he was determined to escape the fate of the Original.

Maybe... It would work...

Jason has a stupid idea.

Jason can't wait to try this stupidity that sprouted on his mind after being told the death of Aeson.

Jason would try the stupid idea later. Yet, never in the far future.

But first, There was a wedding that Jason need to attend together with Chiron.


         The search for cures and studying the various effects of different herbs on the human body was more important than a special occasion. Wedding.... is an occasion that was said to where two people who love each other exchange vows to live together for the rest of their lives. It was said to be a very sacred union.

For Asclepius, it was nothing of importance. If he truly love her, why would he kill her? Asclepius let out a sigh. He stared at the current form of someone who he despised the most in his life.

" Asclepius!! "

Apollo, who was currently wearing a form of a golden-eyed fluffy sheep rushed towards his son. Asclepius showed a look of disgust before he raised his staff as if he was preparing to smack the man with it. Apollo decided to change his track and land on the ground safely. He showed a very pitiful expression towards his son. But Asclepius merely ignored them and started walking away from what he knows as the most disgusting sheep in the world.

Asclepius wanted to go back to his workshop. Yet he knows that he must endure until the end of the wedding. Asclepius was invited to attend the wedding of his half-brother. Compared to Apollo, Aristaeus is more bearable than the former. He was less annoying and Asclepius can tolerate his presence and sense of amusement. Aristaeus hasn't shown any hostility and always helped him with fetching important ingredients. He was a person who Asclepius can somehow rely on and trust... a little.

Repaying all of the favors that brother here has done to him by attending the latter's what is considered to be the most important his life is what Asclepius has considered when he was invited by Aristaeus. If only he knows that Apollo has invited himself to the wedding even without Aristaeus's permission, Asclepius shouldn't have accepted. Even he was currently in the form of a lamb, Apollo's presence isn't something that Asclepius would be able to endure.

At the end of the wedding, Asclepius decided to go home. But his half-brother stopped him. With a sly smile on his face, he inquired.

" Oh, my adorable little brother, where is the gift for me and my wife's blessed union? "

Asclepius never truly considered that there was a need for a gift when attending a wedding. His half-brother frowned as he saw his expression. But then, a smile was revealed on his face again.

" Well since you don't have a gift for us, how about a favor? "

Narrowing his eyes on the sly expression, Asclepius questioned.

" What favor? "

" Well. I wanted you to meet someone. "

Asclepius already knows who he was talking about. Since Aristaeus always told him fondly the story of that person other than his wife.

" Our former teacher's current student. "

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