Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: animals in disguise

In Aphrodite's abode, Eros  suddenly arrives. He bowed at her while relaying a message from the Morai.

" Mother, The Morai has relayed a message that your current champion went to fulfill his destiny. "

Aphrodite who was laying at her lavish bed filled with decorations and luxuries blinked from her intoxication. She stared at his son who was kneeling and his wings neatly folded on his back.

She thought for a moment and frowned. Her destined current champion was someone who would kill the unrightful king and blasphemer of her temple Pelias. The current champion is the rightful heir of the Kingdom of Iolcus. And from what she remembered and thought, her champion would be currently young.

" Why is it early? "

Aphrodite asked her son Eros who could only frown.

" The Moirai didn't tell. "

Sighing, Aphrodite decided to get up from her bed. Eros was unfazed as he heard the sounds of clothes being worn. After a while, he also told her mother an important fact.

" Apollo and Athena are currently accompanying the champion while they were in disguise. "


It's been a long time for Jason since he met and talk to the God of Sleep in his dreams. Hypnos was blunt and direct to the point when he arrive on his abode. He instantly stared at Jason with a serious expression. It was unlike the God of Sleep's lax and relaxed demeanor. He started talking to Jason about his actions.

" If you can't get rid of his Original's Destiny, might as well go to the flow — to fulfill the Original's Destiny earlier, that was your solution... "

The God trailed off as he stared at the dream version of the river of forgetfulness and asked Jason.

" Do you think that your solution would work? "

Jason thought for a moment before answering.

" The Original's Body was currently 10 years old. And I'm certain that Medea was younger than Jason of Argonauts by a few years. So if I would fulfill his destiny earlier.."

Jason trailed off and didn't tell the untold words on his mind towards the God of Sleep.

' I would have a chance of escaping his downfall and Medea going with his adventures. '

Still, the God of Dreams inclined his head.

" No one was successful in escaping their destiny. But I hope that you would be successful in your endeavors, my friend. "

" Thanks... but that isn't why I am here spending my time with you in my dreams. "

" I know. "

" Then you should know, what I wanted to ask? "

" Yes, and I assure you would learn the thing that plagues this lostbelt on your journey to Iolcus. "

Jason frowned at those words. The God of Sleep continued.

" And the other thing that you wanted to ask me about... Those animals that have been on the ship and followed you. It is what you suspected them to be. "

Jason groaned in frustration.

" A god and goddess of Olympus in disguise. "


The dream then faded and Jason found himself waking up from his dream. He found himself covered on his blanket. It was one of the things that Jason brought on his journey.

Jason was inside a small room on the ship. It was his temporary room on this journey. After laying for a while, Jason decided to get up and leave the room.

" Medes, your awake. It's a good thing that your up. Come and eat with us. "

When he left the room, Jason was greeted by Captain Arestor and invited to eat. Jason inclined his head and followed the Captain of this ship.

It's been a few days since he boarded the ship. They were still far away from Iolcus and wouldn't arrive soon. It would take a while before they arrive at the Kingdom of Iolcus, but at least Jason knows that he would arrive earlier than if he would decide to travel in the land and without a horse.

Jason was also glad for the small blessings that were granted to him. There were worries for Jason if he would travel by water. But he was glad that he found that this worry was unfounded. This body appeared to have been protected from the feeling of seasickness. It is of the things that have plagued Jason in his past life.

Following the Captain, they eventually arrive at their destination. They were greeted by the sight of the crew already eating their breakfast. They saw both the Captain and Jason.

" We're hungry so we have already eaten. "

" Come and join us with our breakfast! "

Captain Arestor sighed beside Jason. Nonetheless, he occupied one of the makeshift seats and sat on one of the barrels. Jason followed his example and sat on one of the barrels. Upon seating, he felt something rushing towards him. Jason stretched his hand reluctantly.

He can feel the sharp claws even Jason was protected by the clothes. He glance at the thing that landed on his hand and immediately came face to face with a snowy white owl. It reminded Jason of that famous owl from that Movie. They look the same. Jason then feels something arriving on his feet. He sighed as he saw a very fluffy and cuddly sheep staring at Jason with its golden eyes.

" It was heartwarming that your loyal companions have followed you on your Journey, Diomedes. "

Captain Arestor told him. After boarding the ship a few days ago, the crew was surprised by the presence of an owl and sheep on their ship. As for Jason, he immediately froze when the two animals started approaching him. Because of that event, everyone on the crew knows that the two animals were Jason's pet.

Jason immediately want to deny but he couldn't. He was afraid and terrified as he recognize the sheep. Then, it wasn't also far away to assume for Jason that the owl was someone whom Jason could easily guess the real identity beneath them.

It was unexpected for Jason that in his journey to Iolcus, he would have a god and goddess of Olympus accompanying him as animals in disguise. It wasn't what he signed up for when he went on this journey.

The Greek Gods and Goddesses are truly meddlesome.

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