Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Asteropeia

        When he followed the kid, he was surprised when they were headed to the palace where the current King Pelias and the original's step-uncle were currently staying. With his presence covered, Jason couldn't help but stare dubiously at the kid.

It seems this kid's identity isn't as ordinary as he thought. He thought he was just an ordinary slave child but it seems that he was serving the current ruling family. But Jason couldn't help but felt angry for Promachus whom he just met today.

The child was underfed and being treated harshly just by looking at him. Just like the other slaves that existed in this world. But he was just a child, what could he do wrong to become a slave? For a very young child, he couldn't be a criminal right?

A few years back as he thought of the original Jason's destiny, Jason thought to himself that Pelias could keep the throne of Iolcus. He doesn't care about it and being the King of Iolcus was bothersome. He has more important things to worry about like the original's fate and the eventual end of this lostbelt or singularity.

But as he listened to the rumors and stare at the people of Iolcus when he just arrived in this place, Jason thought that Pelias isn't a good King as people under him are suffering in one way or another.

He heard the rumors about 'Pelias the mad king' from some people. Jason doesn't know if the rumors that he heard were the truth. But eventually, Jason would investigate and gather information before confronting Pelias and starting the original body's destiny earlier than expected.

If he couldn't avoid the fate of seeking the Golden Fleece, then Jason should go with the flow. But faster and exceeding the waves of fate and destiny.

Jason followed Promachus toward the palace while he has his magic masking him from being noticed. They arrived in the gardens where Jason noticed a young lady standing there with an impatient expression on her face.

The girl was around 8 to 10 years old. She has black hair some of her locks were formed into a bun while some were hanging down and reached her waist. Her clothes were one of the highest types of silk that Jason has ever seen in this era. Pure as the snow was the color of her clothes which was common in this culture. But Jason could see that she was wearing a golden necklace.

Different from Promachus, she was well feed and it was seen that she was living a comfortable life. She was clean and pure – it was certain that she would grow up to be a beautiful girl. But is her personality as clean and pure just like her outside appearance?

Jason then got to know the answer the moment that Promachus started speaking to the young lady and handed the reward of the archery competition to him.

" Asteropeia, I got the reward for the competition. With this, I bought my freedom. "

Holding the core of the magical boar within her hand, Asteropeia smiled before throwing the core to Promachus's face. Thankfully, Promachus used his hand to block his face but he still bit his lip as the core collided with his hand.

" Freedom? Who told you would be free? There is no agreement! "

" But.. You have said... "

" You should be thankful that I am keeping you Promachus. Sister Amphinome has given me to you since she grew bored of you. You are under my protection, aren't you happy? "

" You! "

" Such disrespect! How can you treat me so casually and rudely? I am one of the princesses of Iolcus. You should know your place. "

After she said those words, she kicked Promachus on his stomach. Promachus groaned in pain as he collapse to the ground and turn into a fetal position while he was clutching his stomach. Tears started dripping into his eyes. It was the involuntary reaction from the extreme pain.

" You should be happy sister didn't tell you to father. "

Jason was shocked by the events and how strong Asteropeia was even though she was only a little girl. But at the same time, he was also angry at this cruel little girl.

Jason stopped the illusion magic that was disguising his presence. Asteropeia looked at him with surprise then it turned into anger.

" Who are you?! How dare you enter the palace? "

Jason smiled grimly at the little girl staring at him with a fierce expression.

" Princess, you shouldn't break your words and promises. You don't want to know and experience the consequences of your irresponsible actions. "

" Who are you to interfere with my matters? The agreement wasn't even there in the first place as I didn't swear under any name of the Olympian gods. "

While Asteropeia was glaring at the stranger, Promachus raise his head to glance at the person who interfered with Asteropeia. Promachus was surprised as it was a familiar face.

A long black-haired young man was wearing those strange clothes that covered his body completely from neck to his feet.  It was the winner of the archery competition.

Promachus then saw the stranger let out a devious smile and asked his step-cousin.

" Are you certain that your actions would have no consequences, Princess? The Olympian Gods may not pay attention to your actions but what about the Titans? "

Asteropeia's glare at the stranger disappeared as she started frowning.

" .. They are... They aren't as great as the Olympian Gods. "

Promachus saw the stranger frown at Asteropeia.

" You shouldn't say those words. The Titans may not be known by the people as the Olympians, but I guess it depends on the people's perspectives. But you shouldn't have said it. The Titans are Gods like the Olympians. Earlier, I just wanted to remind you about the great Horkos who was the guardian of Oaths, a young princess. "

Asteropeia's face paled as she took a step back. But because she wasn't looking at the ground, she made an error in her steps. She stumbled to the ground and cried out in pain.

" Ah, it seems that you are being reminded of a lesson now Princess. "

" No! "

For the first time, Promachus saw Asteropeia with a look of horror on her face. She then hastily get up on the ground and started running from them.

After a few seconds, the stranger stretched out his hand and helped him get up from the ground. Before Promachus could thank him, he heard him start murmuring indecipherable language and Promachus was surprised to find the pain in his stomach disappeared.

" I forgot to introduce myself earlier, My name is Medes, Promachus. It is nice to meet you again. "

The stranger. No, the powerful magician Medes introduces himself. Promachus then remembered how rude he is towards the young man before.

Promachus hoped the magician in front of him wasn't as petty just like the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

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