Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Dreams and School days

      He was Hypnos, the personification of sleep. His mother is named Nyx and he has a brother named Thanatos. He was a Titan who lives in the underworld. Erebus was the valley where he lives in the Greek Underworld.

He was said to be a calm and gentle god. The humans own half of their lives to him. Everything in that statement was partly true and false.

Dreams— are interesting. They can vary from anything. From simple to complex and turning to downright bizarre. Different things happen in dreams. But most people forget their dreams once they are awake.

As the God of dreams and personification of sleep, he has the authority and power to grasp and peek at the unconscious mind. Everyone's dreams are interesting. Sometimes, it was hard to choose who would visit and take a look at it.

But since Jason has arrived, he thought that his dream are the most interesting thing. He can never get enough of it.

" Hmmm.... mon... loan... Thoth.. bubbles in ....fusion.
.ter..... of the... verse.
Sprout... ul... Sions.
Lish.. lutes... Laying.
Round him... Other... Gods.
Voiceless... Mind... Sway...♪"

His friend was still sleeping. He wondered when would he finally awaken from reality?

" Huh..."

Hypnos watched as Jason opened his eyes and look at him confusedly.

" Am I in your territory again? I thought that I would get peace in my dreams? Sigh... What would you need me here for this time? Are we talking about the doom of this world? Look, I am very pretty weak right now. So I am useless...–"

Hypnos merely hummed and decided to interrupt his sleeping Friend's mumbling.

" Looks like your recent events in the few days have made you frustrated. Maybe, do you want to talk about it? "

" No... "

It was amusing to watch Jason. Despite the looming threat of this world, he still manages to worry and be frustrated about simple things.

" Are you certain about your decision? "

" Yes. Can I go back now? "

" You can wake up whenever you want in the reality. The decision is yours. "

" It's not my decision to be dragged into the underworld. "

Jason glared at him before his corporeal dream body manifestation disappeared.

He was very interesting indeed. But would he be able to help this version of a world of doomed it's
destiny further?

The Fates would be angered that the destiny was being tampered with. But it is the only chance of this world to survive.

He wondered since they know this world's fate, would they just go along with Alaya's will?

He can't wait to know this version of the world's FATE. He hoped that their efforts aren't in vain.


     The school of Athens– or should he say one of the schools of Athens?.... It's has been a few days since then. He was convinced by Chiron to attend even there was no real reason for him. (He thinks).

Jason learned upon attending that Chiron wasn't the only teacher. There are already two teachers in the school. And there are twenty students in this school in Athens.

He also learned that this school was just one of the learning facilities within the prosperous city. There are also other academy's that exist within this place. The young kids that we're studying in the school told him that their school was the best in Athens. The two teachers were good at teaching them lessons. (Chiron was still the best).

When Chiron arrive here, Jason learned that he was teaching "Gumnastike" to the students. It was like the physical education of modern times. But add the fact that you felt that you are in the military boot camp. Just another day of suffering for Jason. No wonder, Achilles turned out that way. Always eager for a fight. But certainly not him. Not in the past, present, and nowhere in the future.

The students– all of the students are young boys, admired Chiron since he started teaching them. They told him how he was lucky and awesome that Chiron was teaching him when they learned of his circumstances. Chiron mentioned that Jason was living with him and his guardian and teacher at the same time. He wanted to hide in embarrassment when Chiron told it to the children. He was embarrassed that time because Chiron looks proud and sincere when he told it to the children.

As a result of that, the children were envious of him. During the next few days when Chiron wasn't there at the school and have some other business in Athens, they even tried to bully him a few times.

If it was some people, they would just dismiss it since they are just kids. But it was Jason. Even though he like his little cousins back on Earth. If some kid decided to mess with him, he would teach them a lesson. He was been scolded as a teenager by his parents (mostly his mother) because of that. Yup, Jason was an immature teenager. Through it was some years since his puberty, but when he officially entered the age of adulthood, his parents still said that he was immature. Well, he couldn't refute them on that matter. Inside his mind, he could admit that he would be always a child at heart.

When the children tried to bully him, Jason decided to teach them a lesson on why they shouldn't mess with him. The effect was immediate. From being the newbie on the social ladder, he became the top and unofficial 'boss' of the group. Even the few kids who were older than him by two or three years bend to his will.

He swear that he didn't do anything harmful or traumatizing to the kids. He didn't hurt them. If he did that, he was certain that he would receive a spanking from Chiron. Jason just showed them some magic tricks. Literal flashy and harmless plus real magic tricks.

That's how Jason has integrated into the children's social group successfully. (And he has also a chilling thought in his mind that it has to do with that. The element that the original owner of his body has left behind. The Charisma element.)

Since he was the boss, Jason would always hear them say things like 'he was very strong, skillful, etc'. Even after a few days, the students didn't stop showing their admiration for Chiron's strength.

The two teachers that taught the "mouse" aspect of the education were saddled in the corner. He learned that the students doesn't stop keep talking of Chiron since he started teaching and gained his little admirers(fanboys). Jason can't help but sympathize with those two teachers. But then, he learned that the two teachers are doing fine and well.

They are also included with the students who were admiring and kept praising Chiron for his skills. Two prestigious teachers and rich kids reduce to being Fanboys... Jason's second school life has been strange. And he wanted a forward button and just end this strange torture.

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