Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Only a guide

     The sound of galloping was heard as an unusual man or creature has arrived at the city of Athens, the domain of the Goddess of Knowledge Athena. People ignored the man as he entered the gates of the city. Walking with their own lives, they let the strange creature pass on them.

Chiron returned from his trip to Iolcus. Within the two years that have passed, he didn't forget to visit mount Pelion and the kingdom of Iolcus despite him starting to live in Athens. Chiron wouldn't forget mount Pelion as he used to live there for years. He live there the moment that he could be considered an adult and left the care of Apollo. Mount Pelion is where he taught some of his students. On Iolcus is where he also met one of his friends Aeson. Chiron wouldn't call them close. It was just a few times that Chiron has met his friend Aeson. Yet despite that, he still accepted his friend's desperate request. To raise his son and someday tell Diomedes that he was the rightful heir of the kingdom of Iolcus. Chiron accepted as he doesn't have the will to reject the request of one of his very few friends. It wasn't also his first time accepting taking care of people or helping them to grow up and teaching them a lot of things. Chiron wouldn't turn down an opportunity of teaching and help a child grow, just like what have Apollo done to him.

Accepting them was a way of thanking Apollo for taking care of him despite that he was a centaur and different from humans. He taught him to become different from the usual behaviors of the centaurs.

He wasn't a brutal or an uncultured barbarian. Or the same cut or mold that the centaurs behave.

Chiron is Chiron.

Accepting Diomedes was probably one of the best decisions that he made in his life. Yet it was also filled with hardships.

He knows that just like some of his students, Diomedes was destined to do his fate, his destiny. It would be fulfilled. Because it was woven on the tapestry.

So no matter how long Chiron delayed, it was inevitable.

As he looks at the Kingdom of Iolcus, Pelias denies him to visit Aeson and him being an awful king within those past two years where Diomedes continue to improve on his knowledge and magic on Athens, Chiron can't prolong the inevitable anymore.

The fate was dictated.

In this current visit, Chiron returned to Athens with a serious and thoughtful expression on his face.

Chiron was a guide. He can't interfere beyond what was dictated on his role in his student's story. Just like his previous students with great destiny waiting ahead of them. Chiron wasn't a savior. He was a teacher. His role was to teach his students. On his current student's fate, he was just a teacher like the previous ones.

Chiron knows that there is something in their world. He doesn't know the full story, the opposite of how the gods and goddesses are aware of this situation. Chiron wasn't blind to the strange events that happened in some places.

The sense of wrongness.

During his visit within the past two years to the kingdom of Iolcus, Chiron became slowly aware that the Iolcus was changing more than ever under the rule of Pelias. He heard the people talk. How afraid they are. How Pelias has become much worse than before.

He wants to do something. But it was never in his destiny to interfere with the destiny of his current student. Chiron can't meddle. He wasn't allowed by the Fates or permitted by the Gods to do something.

Athena has bestowed him with the advice to don't interfere with the matters of the Kingdom of Iolcus. Chiron wouldn't be able to bear the consequences. She said that he would also gain Poseidon's wrath if he interfered with the affairs of the Kingdom of Iolcus. And not would he also incur his wrath, but also the Fates. Zeus wouldn't also be able to protect him. Athena wouldn't willing to go far to help him after giving him advice. She was the one who requested his presence here in Athens and he come here and accepted the request. But despite that, she wouldn't go far to help him outside of a helpful reminder. Their relationship was just simple and very shallow after all. And it was also very formal and normal that the Goddess wouldn't willing to go far for him despite him being a great help in nurturing the youths of her city.

Yet his relationship with his student was different. Chiron wanted to do something. But he knows that he can't do anything. Recently, he also wasn't able to do anything as he learned that his friend Aeson has passed away in the dungeon where he was imprisoned. He heard it from the rumors in the Kingdom of Iolcus. Chiron asked a formal audience with Pelias after hearing those rumors when he arrived. Upon looking and asking Pelias, the fake didn't deny the accusations. He has been silent about his question. He didn't say any words but merely showed him with the guards and escorted him to the dungeons where he found the cold body of his friend lying there on the dark and dimly lit floor.

Chiron has been rarely angry. But he was a force to be reckoned with. At that time, he wanted to kill Pelias and shoot him with his arrow. But just like his student, he couldn't do anything to Pelias either. He wasn't allowed to kill him and tamper with his destiny.

After that, Chiron asked if he could bury his friend or burn his body. He was rejected and escorted out. Chiron left the kingdom of Iolcus facing turmoil in his mind. He wondered if this wouldn't happen he have just told his student the truth and his rightful destiny?

Chiron arrives in the city of Athens with the looming guilt and regrets inside his mind. It was time to seek his student and tell him the truth. But looks like that his plan would be postponed for the meanwhile, as he saw his former student Aristaeus wearing a smile on his face.

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