Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Athens, and the unfortunate second chance to school life

   Athens, the capital and largest city of Greece in the modern era. Considered to be one of the oldest cities. And today– in the ancient period, it was considered to be the heart of ancient Greece.

Jason couldn't but chuckle when he thought of something silly. Since they are named after and that their main patron goddess is Athena, shouldn't it be supposed to be the Brains of Ancient Greece?

‘ It's so silly. ’

Jason cringed at his ridiculous thought. Some people from his past life would tease him with that kind of thought. Jason decided to stare at the sky while burying down the pain in his chest. As he looks up, he can't help but note in his mind that it was peaceful. With the soft and fluffy clouds drifting slowly. It was relaxing and calming.

Jason then turned his gaze down. Where it shows the opposite. It was bustling and lively. Not calm and peaceful– The people of Athens. There were a lot of talks, shouting and walking around.

He couldn't help but shudder and tremble. Jason decided to inch closer towards Chiron who was walking ahead of him. One of many facts that Jason didn't like about Athens was that it has more people than Iolcus. More than a few times bigger and populous than the latter.

Jason felt unused and hated the presence of a large crowd. As he inch closer to Chiron, he felt a pat on his head from the Centaur.

" Are you looking forward to your first day Diomedes? "

Chiron asked. At the question, Jason couldn't help but show an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Not. He wanted to go away from the people and crowd as possible. And the place where they are going wasn't what Jason was looking forward to.

" Don't worry, I am certain that you would do fine in there. "

‘No.’ was what Jason thought. He would not be fine. Jason knows it. But it was still endearing that the centaur was worried for him. He decided to not blurt out what was running inside his mind.

Jason and Chiron continued walking in Athens in a certain direction.

It's been two weeks since they arrive in Athens. Jason noted in his mind. On the first day, he woke up from a fatal injury and has been grounded and banned for using his magic. His day listlessly passed until his wound was healed. After that, Jason spent some of his days wandering and familiarizing himself in Athens with Chiron for a few days.

Athens was much more bigger and prosperous than Iolcus. It has more people and wonderful structures. It was also much closer to sea than the Iolcus. It has a lot of beautiful sceneries and awe-inspiring structures. Athens was brimming with richness in Greek culture and mythology. No wonder that it was visited by tourists back in his former world.

Other than that, Jason remembered one fact that he wasn't fond of remembering. Unfortunately for him, Athens was the domain of the goddess of wisdom. It was the territory of Athena. One of the Olympus Goddesses.

Although she wasn't much of a jerk like some Greek deities that existed, Jason hoped that he would be able to avoid her as possible. In the myth back on Earth, there are good things that are recorded on what she has done, but She was still a Jerk.

Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom. Known for being the one to curse a woman known as Arachne for the spider. In the myth back in his previous world, it was known that it was Arachne's fault for her arrogance, he wondered what kind of twist the Nasuverse franchise would put in that one? She was also involved with some things that happened in Medusa. He wasn't looking forward to meeting her. And the other gods in the future. Hopefully, he wouldn't meet them at all. But Jason knows that wish was impossible.


   " We're finally here. "

Outside the walls of Athens, Chiron and Jason finally arrived at their destination. The latter was gasping for air. He felt that he was running out of breath despite all of the training that he have done the past year. Climbing up and down the mount Pelion and sparring with Chiron wasn't enough. Jason hated that Athens was much more bigger and vast than Iolcus.

He has done a lot of walking. Why couldn't he just ride on Chiron on his centaur form? Well, it would gain a lot of people's attention which Jason wouldn't want.

" Hannah... Finally... Sensei. I think... I am going to die... "

To comfort him, Chiron patted his head. He was looking at Jason with an amuse yet gentle look on his face.

" Do you want to increase your lessons and training Diomedes? "

‘ Hell, no. ’

Jason was tired. He looks at Chiron with a despairing look on his face before flopping down to the grassy ground. He stared at the distance where he could see a clear view of a hill and some kind of building within it.

School of Athens– it was what have people and Chiron called the architecture where the young children would learn. Talking with Chiron during the past few days and asking him some things about his job, Jason learned that the minimum age requirement to attend the school of Athens was seven. He certainly fits the criteria.

And it was one of the reasons why they were in this place. Chiron wanted Jason to be in the school as well together with his other new students. He was certain that he was more intelligent than those new students. Those new students were kids after all.

Why does he need to go to school again? Fuck his life! He thought that he have escaped school life since he thought that it was too early for people to have grasped the concept of schools. Instead, there were tutoring sessions from their parents or knowledgeable individuals as a substitution in their houses, but he was wrong in his assumption.

He thought that puberty was one of the things inescapable things that Jason wouldn't want to experience again. But school life was added to that list.

Jason sighed as he was picked up by Chiron and carried(dragged) while the Centaur was walking closer and closer towards the school.

Damn, here we go again.

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