Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Mad King

   Their next stop on their journey is the island of Cyzicus. But it would be a week from now on. Currently, they were still in the middle of the sea sailing the Euda.

Acastus glances at his half-cousin who is being hounded by the members of the crew. Especially the Boread Sisters who were urging Diomedes to sing once again while accompanied by the lyre played by Orpheus. The Lyre player was also interested to hear their young captain sing again.

Their captain meanwhile refused with a flustered expression on his face. It was clear that his singing before was unintentional on his part and he didn't register the audience who would like his unknown song.

" Come on Captain! "

" We want to hear you sing! Isn't that right Elis? "

Elis with a mysterious smile on her face answered the question.

"I never heard such a unique but lovely song before. "

Eventually, under the urging of the young ladies, their captain relented with a tired and reluctant sigh on his face.

" Fine! But I would teach it all to you so you wouldn't bother me once again, got it? "

"" Okay! ""

Acastus can feel a slight smile forming on his face at the sight. But when he remembered something unpleasant, a frown formed on his face and there was also a faint throbbing ache forming inside his head.

Acastus joined the journey on the order of his father Pelias. He was surprised when Diomedes accepted Acastus with open arms despite knowing that Acastus joined as someone who would only rely on the experiences of their journey toward his Father.

A spy for his father...

Glancing at the reluctant Diomedes who was teaching the Boread sisters and Elis the song that he created, Acastus still reminisces of the day that Diomedes declared his presence in front of his father Pelias.

He was one of the witnesses along with some of his younger sisters and the newest hired advisor.

Acastus thought that his half-cousin was interesting. Diomedes requested Pelias to give up the throne declaring that he was unsuitable not because Diomedes thought that he was the rightful heir. Diomedes asked not for himself but for the people who were suffering in the Kingdom of Iolcus.

At that moment, Acastus felt respect bloom inside of him towards his half-cousin.

Diomedes would be suitable for the throne not just because he was the rightful inheritor but he also cared for the people of Iolcus.

Acastus hasn't any desire for the throne himself and his father doesn't seem to have the plan of naming him as his heir before even his 'sickness' started.

What he wanted was for everything to be alright again.

For his father to stop being the mad king. Acastus knows that his Father wasn't a good king and ruler.

His father Pelias wasn't someone who was concerned for the people under his rule and only cared about himself and indulged in the power that he stole.

But before he became the Mad King, there were no deaths in the Kingdom of Iolcus. There are no random innocent citizens who went missing and his father's advisors aren't being replaced so often because of 'various circumstances'.

These things are kept under wraps and would only remain believed as rumors even if it was the Truth. But how long would it remain as rumors and not reach outside the Kingdom of Iolcus?

Acastus hoped that those rumors reached outside the kingdom and were believed to be real but for some reason, those rumors couldn't even go outside Iolcus.

Something was going on within the Kingdom of Iolcus and his father was within the center of it.

Acastus wanted it to end.

His father's madness and everything that was going on Iolcus.

He prayed for Poseidon but it seems that the Sea God weren't listening to his wish and prayers.

Doesn't the Sea God care about his father since Pelias was his son?

When his father's madness started, he prayed to the Sea God and the other Olympian Gods, but no one answered his prayers. To the former, Acastus only got a headache, he decided to give up praying to his grandfather before he also decided to give up praying to the other Olympian Gods.

Acastus looks like he was unfavored that the Gods aren't even willing to listen to his prayers.

When he was sent on the journey by his father to accompany his half-cousin, he decided to take this opportunity.

If none of the Olympian Gods would willing to listen to his prayers, then he would take the matter into his own hands. He would go on a journey with them to find a cure for his father and see if Diomedes cared for the people under the kingdom of Iolcus. See if Diomedes has what it takes to become the rightful ruler and the King of Iolcus.

While listening to Diomedes and the Boread Sisters sing while Orpheus was playing his lyre, the throbbing pain on Acastus's head eventually came down and subsided.

Unknowingly, Acastus was sweating because of enduring that intense pain in his head and consciously stopping himself from shouting in pain.

While he took breaths, he heard his half-cousin stop singing his unique song and approach him.

" Acastus.. You look unwell. If you would like, we could ask Asclepius if there's any ailment that is bothering you. "

Glancing at his younger half-cousin who has brows furrowed, Acastus replied.

" I'm fine. I have just experienced a temporary pain in my head. It was gone.  "

" Are you certain you don't need Asclepius's help? "

" .. Yes. "

Still looking concerned, Jason sighed and relented.

" Fine. But if this headache of yours reappears or if you have experienced any pain in your body, you know that you can always ask Asclepius for help. He wouldn't reject treating whatever is bothering you. He would be upset that you didn't come to him if you were experiencing any pain or something unpleasant like nausea in your body. "

Seeing Acastus slightly nodding his head, Jason relented and went back to the waiting Boread Sisters and Elis to teach them the Scarborough Fair once again.

One thing that Jason knows about Asclepius as their Ship's healer and doctor is that Asclepius took his job seriously. He wouldn't be happy once he learned that Acastus was hiding his headache from him.

Hopefully, Jason's half-cousin would be prepared for the consequences of his actions. Inside his mind, Jason was already lighting up a candle and offering his prayer for Acastus.

At the same time, Jason was worried that something was going on with Acastus. Something that he would like to know since everything he looked at his half-cousin, he felt uncomfortable.

Does this have to do with King Pelias or the Kingdom of Iolcus in general?

Other than Acastus, since the weeks that they had spent on their journey, Promachus was giving Jason the same strange feeling in his gut.

Hopefully, this strange feeling isn't something that would fuck Jason over his journey.

Unfortunately for Jason, he shouldn't have jinxed himself or even thought of it.

On their arrival at the island of Cyzicus, the peaceful and smooth sailing journey started to change its pace. Giving Jason a massive screwing for daring to defy Fate.

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