Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Olympians

      With the arrival of Sefar, the conclusion of the Titanomachy between the Titans and the Olympians was halted. The two opposing forces have no choice but to band together to destroy the strange being who wanted to eradicate them.

The Titanomachy was supposed to end after a ten-year war. But after the arrival of Sefar, another few years were spent on another war. After the long and arduous battle, the force of Olympians and Titans was victorious. Yet came the result of many sacrifices and things that were destroyed. And the most unforgivable result of the war against Sefar was attracting the bizarre and malicious beings outside from this world and reality. 

They discovered this alien creature like them bidding their time to force themselves and enter this world. Both Titans and Olympians are enraged when some of them start to force themselves into this world.

Another war has started. But this time, Alaya decided to make their presence known. She decided to lend her help in the form of the counterforce.

In the end, it was a war that they won but with so many losses. Among the casualties were the Titans and their faction leader Cronus. The Olympians and the remaining Titans came into agreement. They would enter in an indefinite time of peace until all of those beings were eradicated and erased.

As the years pass by, unknown to ignorant humans, some of the beings that the Olympians and Titans were wary of have integrated themselves into the world. Festering and sinking themselves deeper and deeper into the reality of this world.


" Asclepius won't still talk to me. What did I do wrong? "

The person sighed while he flopped his face on a beautifully carved and made table. He wasn't bothered by the cold temperature of the object. He was mopping because his son ignored him again.

Upon hearing the usual whining of Apollo every time that a discussion would happen in Mount Olympus, Athena gazed at her half-sibling with a look of boredom. She doesn't bother to lend an ear and give advice unlike the first few times that her half-brother has done this mopping about his son.

" Apollo, even after all the years, you haven't still given up with thawing the ice heart of your son, aren't you? How admirable... But look at the results. There is no possible way to foster and repair your estranged relationship with each other. "

Apollo raises his head from the table. His golden eyes— just like his son another son Aristaeus- were staring at the person who was showing a faux concern on his troubles.

Long hair that was within the range of color crimson and orange. Wearing a high-quality dress that was somehow see-through. The face of the person was an indescribable art. A beauty that was beyond belief.

" Aphrodite... "

Apollo muttered. Staring at the goddess for a few seconds. She is indeed a very beautiful being. Her current divine spirit form was astounding. No words can ever describe it. Despite that, Apollo's face didn't show any appreciation for her current form and indescribable beauty.

Apollo returned kissing the cold and smooth surface of the table with his face. Aphrodite's benign smile disappeared on her face as she scoffed.

Watching the interaction between the two Olympians, Athena couldn't help but find it entertaining. She smiled as she summoned a papyrus in her hand. She started reading one of the recent discoveries that humans have discovered recently.

" What are you reading Athena? "

" The usual... Aphrodite. The discoveries that humans have made and the ongoing affairs of humans in my city. "

" I see.. "

After Aphrodite muttered those words, Athena waited if she would follow up her words. A few seconds have ticked by, a silence has descended on the large room. Awkwardness festered between the two goddesses and an occasional mumbling from Apollo missing his son could be heard.

Athena decided to let the awkwardness continues as she read what was written on the papyrus. Truthfully, she couldn't help but find it annoying that Aphrodite was bothering to make some small talk and pleasantries to her. It was unusual. Athena noted that she was distressed again. She suspected that the goddess of love has experienced some troubles. An another lover's spat? Which she noted that it was common with Aphrodite and her Father Zeus with Hera.  With whom the goddess of love has trouble she wonders? She shouldn't be curious about it. But she couldn't help but think of the Gods who Aphrodite has known relationship. Hephaestus, Ares (who was currently imprisoned), or Poseidon?

From what she knows of Aphrodite and her relationship with the latter, she and Poseidon have an ongoing feud. It has been going for a few years. It has to do with one of Poseidon's bastard sons. Athena tried to reign her disgust as she remembered one of the unpleasant times where Poseidon has nearly succeeded in forcing himself on her.

Poseidon's bastard son Pelias has killed one of Aphrodite's favored people and desecrated one of her temples. She was enraged and she demanded to Poseidon that she wanted his bastard son's head on a silver platter.

Just like her Father Zeus, Poseidon was known to have affairs with mortals. It's no wonder that he would have a lot of offspring scattered across. One known thing to Poseidon was that he cherishes his mortal offspring. So, Poseidon and Aphrodite were not on good terms since then.

A few years ago, Aphrodite has even asked the Fates of the outcome of Poseidon's bastard son. Poseidon was enraged that she even dragged the Fates to their matters. But she retorted that she just consulted the Fates the outcome of his bastard son. They didn't do anything hazardous. She just wanted to see the future.

Pelias, Poseidon's bastard son would die a brutal and painful death. Poseidon swore that he would kill the instrument that would kill his son.

Zeus decided to intervene between the two. He decided that none of them should interfere with the matters of the mortals. Athena couldn't help but think that her Father was a hypocrite at that time. He was the one who was most known for interfering in the lives of mortals. In the end, the two Olympians have agreed to Zeus' condition. Yet, Athena couldn't help that the two would play dirty.

As Athena was engrossed in her thoughts, the silence continued as the three Olympians sat and were waiting for the others to arrive in the large and majestic room. Eventually, Zeus and Hera arrive together with the other Gods and Goddesses. Demeter was surprised by her daughter Persephone. A wrong time in a year, she was supposed to be in the Underworld right now.

" I am afraid that Hades wouldn't be able to attend as he has experienced some problems in the underworld. "

She said as her expression turned apologetic. Athena then turned to look at the other gods and goddesses. Unlike the usual discussions, not only the 12 Olympians were invited. The minor Gods and Goddesses were also invited. As the gods and goddesses turn to sit one by one, Athena noted that Artemis, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Eros, and Ares weren't in attendance. The latter was still imprisoned so it wasn't his fault that he wouldn't be able to attend. Athena was glad that Hestia was here. It has been a long time since she was her since she have given up her place to Dionysus. Just like them, the Olympians not every minor Gods and goddesses were in attendance. Athena was glad that some Gods or Goddesses are not here. Nyx for example... She was glad that she wasn't here. Zeus, her father was also afraid and respectful to her since she was powerful. Other than her, some of her children weren't there. Among them were the Fates, Hypnos, Thanatos, and Algae. Unfortunately, Eris – who was one of her children that Athena didn't want to see has attended. She didn't like her since her presence was always a sign of trouble.

After a few moments, Zeus finally declared that the discussion would begin.

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