Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Autonoë

   For the two years that Diomedes resided in Athens, he became somehow known to the populace. "Little Prodigy" that's what the people called him. Talented in the different fields of arts and crafts. He thought differently and dressed in eccentricity. Nonetheless, people who encountered him can't also deny his unique charm and charisma. It is one of a kind. Even he wanted to push you away, you can't help but draw nearer and nearer to him.

" Our leader Diomedes is the best! "

Aristaeus for quite a rare time wasn't smiling when he listened to one of the kids recount all of the things that Chiron's latest student has done for the past two years in the city of Athens. On the other hand, the lady beside Aristaeus was giggled at how the boy described what the people of Athens considered as the "little prodigy." It was like he was holding back his deep admiration for their leader but he can't help but slip up and lavish the subject with his praise.

" We have just stepped into the Athens, but looks like you are right in your claim that he was a very interesting little person as you claimed to be. "

Aristaeus frowned at that. But he still responded to the lady. Who has grown a very important place within him for the past year and months? She was a person who has successfully endeared herself to his heart.

" I am glad that you found it amusing, My beloved Autonoë. "

Instead of being embarrassed by the endearment, Autonoë replied boldly and imitating a flirtatious expression on her face.

" My husband hasn't so far led me to go astray. Or am I wrong? Tell me, so I can correct it. "

Aristaeus decided to avert his eyes.

" We're not in a private place. Let's just go and find him. "

Then Aristaeus glances at the kid who already turned and walk away from them.

" How rude. "

" So, can I ask why you have been frowning earlier? I know from what you have told me that you are very fond of him more than your half little brother. So why are you wearing such an expression? "

Aristaeus sighed at Autonoë's inquiry. A few moments, he decided to end up silent as they walked and find the subject of their discussion.

" You are aware of Magic right? "

Autonoë scoffed.

" Of course, who do you take me for? My mother is Harmonia. The Goddess of Harmony and Concord. And I am the eldest of my sisters. It was only natural that I am the most knowledgeable of magic than them. I also know of several places where illegal practitioners of magic and users of it who brought harm to others are executed and punished to a gruesome end. "

" Too much information, Autonoë. Please, I don't need you to recount and describe in a very detailed manner all of your knowledge of magic. "

Autonoë glared at him.

" And I also apologize for offending you, my dear. It isn't my intention. "

" I accept your apology. "

Aristaeus could feel the load in him lightened.

" So could you tell me now why are you wearing such a face earlier? It was so unnatural to see such expression on your face, Aristaeus. "

" Well.. how should I start? "

" We have still time to talk about it before we found the subject of our conversation. "

Finally, Aristaeus relented on her inquiry.

" I was the one who taught Diomedes on his ways of magic until he decided to become innovative and decided to delve on his way with his innovative and eccentric mind.."

Aristaeus recounted his tale on Autonoë, his soon-to-be wife. Other than the tale of how Diomedes discovered his magic, he told her of his request. He told her how he has both possessed Magic and an Origin which caused her to be more interested since it was rare to possess both at the same time. How Diomedes then requested to have his Origin sealed but Aristaeus denied. Sealing Origins are a very dangerous thing and it could lead to death and other awful circumstances like losing the minds of sanity of Origin users to have a part of themselves locked away.

Finally, he told her how then Diomedes finally requested to have that magic sealed for him. So that he wouldn't be able to use it willingly or subconsciously. But upon arriving now and seeing the expression of admiration and adoration that the little kid that they encounter before, Aristaeus was suspecting that the sealing of magic didn't work the way that Diomedes wanted.

Autonoë smiled at that.

" So he has a magic that was different from the common classification of natural aspects of nature? "

" Yes. "

" Hmmm.. he keeps getting more and more interesting, Aristaeus. You are very astute in your judgment that he was one of a kind. "

Aristaeus and Autonoë continued on their way to finding Diomedes upon their arrival in Athens. On their way of finding him, Aristaeus couldn't help but indulge Autonoë when she found things and objects that she likes. Aristaeus talk and barter to the vendors so that he can give it to her while Autonoë insists that she didn't need him to lavish her with gifts. What he already did in Thebes so that he can have her hand towards her father was enough. He was also a person who endeared himself to her that's why he was chosen by her father Cadmus.

After stopping Aristaeus from splurging her with gifts, they heard a rumor about the prodigy's latest action which caused both of them to laugh. Finally, they encountered Chiron who has recently traveled from Iolcus. He asked him where Diomedes is after introducing Autonoë to him. Even after knowing that she was important and dear to him, the somber expression on Chiron's face wasn't removed.

Aristaeus decided to tell him about the rumor. Chiron didn't laugh or wear a slight smile on his face. It has the opposite effect. It became forlorn and covered in grief.

Is it a bad time for him to invite them to their wedding along with his half-brother? Aristaeus was hoping the day of their wedding would be perfect for him and Autonoë. No Apollo would come to disrupt their perfect day.

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