Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Sending off

    Lately, it wasn't really hard to become not noticeable that Aristaeus's routine was strange. It has maybe his fault that he requested him to do errands for him. An errand that Aristaeus need to fetch or gather different medicinal ingredients from their former teacher.

He has just recently noticed it since he was so engrossed by his interest and recent findings. But when that man that sired them mentioned it, he couldn't help but notice it. Aristaeus was more frequent on visiting Mount Pelion. His curiosity has peaked slightly. Even when he doesn't have any errand or request from his half-brother, the god of beekeeping would still go there.

His elder half-brother was also acting like their annoying not acknowledged father lately with that bright smile on his face that was comparable to the sun. Just being reminded by that man was enough to send his mood down.

Asclepius wondered if he should request his half elder brother to test the new medicine? Would the bright smile on his face disappear?

" Oh. Asclepius, I would stay with Chiron for a while. Please don't forget to tell him about it. He has to do his duties this time and he can't pass them to me. "

Asclepius watched silently as his half-brother left the temple. He stared at his silhouette in the distance.

His curiosity was piqued.


    2 years since Jason's Transmigration in a parallel world similar yet different on his own. A previous fictional world that become real as soon as he was transported against his will. Recently, the birthday of the original's body has passed. Diomedes was officially seven years old.

Birthdays– Jason learned, aren't particularly noteworthy events. Especially if it was the birthdays of children. The only worthy event to be celebrated when it comes to birth is the coming of age. When a child becomes an adult or takes a step into adulthood.

It was a sad event for Jason who was fond of Birthdays. (It always reminded him of delicious food and presents plus cakes) He has experienced the original's birthday with Chiron, And it was truly a sad event. The special day only became a normal day. It was like nothing special has happened that day. Just the fact Chiron reminds him that Diomedes was 6 years old and Chiron tells him stories about the original's parents. He only felt guilty while listening to Chiron that day and thinking to himself that he wouldn't be able to look or feel love for the original's parents.

During the seventh birthday, Jason decided that the birthday would be different than the previous year. He wouldn't be feeling sad or guilty. He would have a cake for himself and enjoy it for all its worth.

Jason has indeed baked a cake during their seventh birthday. Too bad, he can't have the cake by himself. He has shared it with Chiron. And reluctantly, to Aristaeus who have taken a lot of piece without his permission.

After the birthday, Jason's days were spent on training and acquainting himself with magic. He has been improved since then and was now able to do a few simple and basic magic according to his elements and origins.

" Lumos. "

Jason muttered to himself. A small glowing white light appeared floating above his palm. He smiled as he saw it working. Since starting to learn magic, even the most simple and easiest type of magic would never cease to amaze and delight him.

A stray thought also passed inside his mind as he think of the spells that he have cast into this world. Jason hoped that the authors and various owners of those things wouldn't sue him for the copyright of the magic spells, signature moves, and ideas that comes from his former world. They were really helpful when Jason was trying to grasp the magic this past year and he was certain that they would be also useful in the future.

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