Chapter 42

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Chapter: The Start of the Altered Journey

          On the day of the voyage of Euda, with preparations already complete, Athena and Chiron held one last feast for the warriors who would assist Jason on his journey.

After the feast, everyone who would go to Jason on his journey has already boarded the ship. Many people were in the port to see the ship depart and Jason and the others much to his surprise.

Maybe, it has to do with the fact that he was blessed by Athena.

" May you succeed in your journey, Heroes? "

Athena declared as Arestor was preparing the ship on its sail. But before the ship could sail, Jason was surprised when he heard a familiar voice.

" Wait! "

It was Promachus.

" Allow me to go with you, Br– Diomedes. "

[ Name: Promachus
Relationship: Friend? and ———

Love Parameter:

Philia/Affectionate Love: -400/300
Pragma/Enduring Love: 0
Storge/Familiar Love: -500/300
Eros/Romantic Love: 0
Ludus/Playful Love: 0
Mania/ Obsessive Love: 400
Philautia/Self Love: - 100
Agape/Selfless Love: 0

Love Evaluation:  He loves you but unfortunately you are his  ———— that he wanted to kill the most in this world. The kid is mentally unstable. Recommended to be brought to a Psychiatrist if the user wanted to pursue a normal and loving ——— relationship. If you are pursuing a toxic relationship, then I hope that you are a masochist and prepare yourself to die. ]

Staring at Promachus from the ship, Jason didn't know how he have earned Promachus' ire. He has done nothing but have been kind to him since he saved him from his slavery. Just what the hell has happened? Is it because the kid is mentally unstable due to the time he spent being a slave?

While Jason was deep in thought, he didn't notice Chiron among the crowd giving Promachus a complicated expression.

" So little Captain, are we bringing another kid on the ship like you? "

Telamon asked teasingly. Jason glanced at the young man and sighed. Telamon is one of the companions that Heracles brought with him upon expressing his desire on joining the adventure. The other person was Hylas.

The rational choice was to not bring Promachus on their journey. The adventure is certainly dangerous and brings Promachus who wouldn't be able to defend himself is stupid. Even though the kid seems to have a mysterious grudge against him, Jason doesn't want Promachus to die. But Jason was curious about the information that he was given by the Eyes of Agape when looking at Promachus. He wanted to know what is it.

" Yes. "

He replied to Telamon much to the latter's surprise. He then glances at Promachus and replies to his request.

" Okay but the journey ahead is full of dangers. Do you still want to go? "

Promachus nodded his head while staring at Jason. The latter averted his eyes and stopped the urge to shudder.

" Great! "

Jason said with a fake cheer and continued.

" Then welcome aboard to the ship, Promachus. "

[ You have lessened - 10 Storge -5 Philia and added +20 Mania love from Promachus ]

Jason was starting to regret agreeing. From his expectation, rejecting Promachus on going on the journey with him would result in Jason worsening Promachus' ire towards him. But earning these affection points from Promachus– Jason doesn't know if it was for better or worse.

Sighing, Jason decided to ignore the Promachus problem for a moment. Arestor then told Jason that the ship have already started sailing.

Jason smiled despite containing the knowledge of the Original's tragic future.

From this journey, he promised that his fate would be different.


       As expected, the ship was built with the guidance of Goddess Athena and is astounding and magnificent. Meleager feels excitement as the ship continues sailing on the seas. He then noticed one of his companions walking past him while he was staring at the ocean.

" Atalanta! "

Meleager called cheerfully. Meleager was glad that the adventure wouldn't be too boring. At first, Meleager expected that his companions would be all men, but he was thankful for the blessings that it wasn't the case.

They have Atalanta, Elis, Pollux, and the Boreads.

" Did the Captain already assign you a task? "

Atalanta glanced at Meleager coldly but after a while, she answered.

" I would be in charge of looking out for the 2nd day at midnight of our journey. "

" I see. Well, I have also been in charge of watching around on the 2nd day. But unfortunately, it was around the afternoon. Hopefully, we would reach our first stop soon on our quest for the Golden Fleece. "

Atalanta nodded.

" The Euda is very fast. We would certainly reach our destination. "

Meleager can feel a smile growing on his face as Atalanta offered her opinion. Later, Meleager felt disappointed when Atalanta left since he doesn't have any topic that he can use to entertain her.

Jason who was on the top deck while watching some of his crewmates the entire time felt his face become sour. Watching Meleager and Atalanta, he felt that he had been forcefully feeding with Dog Food, even though Meleager's affection is only one-sided.

Jason scoffed. He would never understand how can someone fall in love at first sight.

Anyway, it wasn't Jason's business what would happen between Atalanta and Meleager.

Through there was something Jason finds strange, he knows that his companions would be also younger since he started his journey early. And there would be consequences of it in their adventure since maybe their skills and abilities would be lacking... But as Jason stared at his companions who were adolescents and young adults–  Arestor and Promachus didn't count since Jason was certain that they aren't included in the original journey. Jason wanted to call out foul. Is it because this is a lostbelt?

Why the hell it looks like he was the shortest and youngest among them?

This is humiliating.

Eventually, Jason decided to get over it and it was now time for him to assign proper positions to his crewmates. Of course, the Captain and Cook would be him and Arestor would be the Vice Captain.

After assigning positions, he would tell them where they could find the Golden Fleece. Jason would take advantage of his limited knowledge of Greek Mythology as much as he could. And this is one of them..  Already knowing the end of their destination.

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