Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: Women of Lemnos

    Upon taking a step on the island of Lemnos, Jason and the others were instantly surrounded by the residents of people living in the island.

All around them, Jason notice that the people who welcomed them with weapons on their arms are all women.

' Is this like an Amazon situation? '

The group of women then parted and give way to 3 people. One of the women who was walking forward and on the center of the other two women was only a girl. A young teenager who has an emotionless and calm face. On her left and right sides are two woman dress covering their bodies in white robes.

Finally, a little distance away from Jason and the members of his crew who have also brought their weapons forward and prepare to defended themselves, the girl then opened her mouth and started speaking.

" I am Hypsipyle, Queen of Lemnos. It seems that Iphinoe and Polyxo are right in regards that there would be intruders arriving on our island. "

After saying those words, she glance at Jason with a doubt on her face.

Bringing down the staff to the ground, Jason tried to look harmless and placating as possible and replied to her.

" We assure you Queen Hypsipyle that we bore no ill will towards you and the people living here in the island of Lemnos. "

Still donning the calm and emotionless face, Hypsipyle replied.

" I see that they were right that the captain of the intruders is a mere child who wasn't still in the beginning process of growing into adulthood... "

Trailing off, her emotionless eyes gaze at Jason with coldness.

" You have said that you and you're companions bore no ill will towards us but you're mere presence on this island is a blatant symbol of malice favored of Aphrodite! "

Not waiting for Jason to respond, Hypsipyle suddenly stepped forward thrust her spear towards the direction of  Jason's heart. Stepping forward, Pollux parried the spear from piercing to Jason's heart and sending the spear flying a few distance away from Hypsipyle.

The women of Lemnos who has their weapons out and ready to kill the intruders then heard Pollux's voice.

" Halt. "

She says as she have her sword pointed towards Hypsipyle's neck. The two heralds at her side was also being held at a swordpoint by the other intruders of the island.

Jason who was behind Pollux then let out a sigh. Beside him, he could hear Castor clicking his tongue in distaste as he helped him get up from the ground.

" Thanks Pollux, Castor. "

" Get up from there yourself, how could you just let a mere human attack you? "

Hearing those words, Jason chuckled.

Since Jason was uncertain if the dwellers of the Island of Lemnos would be hostile or not towards them. Since he was uncertain, Jason have decided to prepare for the worst.

Jason together with the members of Euda started to think of a plan.

If possible, the ideal would be resolving the matters peacefully with the islanders of Lemnos. Just stocking up their supplies and leaving the island with none would be dying on the islanders and on their side.

But if the people of Lemnos started treating then with hostility, Jason would like to alleviate their hostility. If it didn't work and the Lemnians started attacking, then they would defend themselves and restrain the enemies and force them to submit within their conditions.

Getting up from the ground as Jason stared at the Castor, he replied to young future servant. Just like him, some members of the ship are younger just like him and probably not as powerful like the argonauts in legends since Jason has made the decision to take the voyage too early.

After getting up and patting some of the dust on his clothes, Jason replied.

" I'm a mere human too. "

" Hmph.. You're the grandson of Hermes. Are you not? "

For the past few days of Jason's observation, Castor was still as protective of his little sister as ever. And he also took pride of himself being a demigod and being part of the bloodline of Zeus.

Is the circumstances different for the servants that he have known in his past life in this world? Did this Castor possess the blood of Zeus or he was a human believing himself possessing the blood of a God?

" Compare to demigods I am just a mere human. "

" Indeed. You are a mere human compared to us. The only reason I went to this journey was because Pollux was interested and you are a fellow student under the tutelage of Chiron. Although you are unexpectedly a good cook despite being young. "

Walking towards Pollux who was trapping the still and stiff Hypsipyle at a sword point, Jason smiled.

" If you don't want to lose your Queen and 2 Oracles, please drop your weapons. "

Glaring at Jason, Hypsipyle shouted.

" Don't listen to him.. "

After Hypsipyle said those words, she could feel the sword of Pollux getting closer more to her neck so intimately.
Hypsipyle froze and she can feel her body being dose in fear.

One by one the people of Lemnos dropped their weapons.

" Good! Now then, at first we have come with peaceful intentions and merely wanted to trade some things for possible supplies. But because I am a favored of Aphrodite, you all decided to treat all of us with hostility and killing intent. At first, despite being favored by the Goddess Aphrodite herself I am sympathetic to your situation. I heard from my companions that you have been cursed by the Goddess herself despite you all just living your life peacefully here in the island... All of the women that lived in Lemnos is cursed to have an unbearable smell coming from their bodies... "

To the surprise of the people of Lemnos, they see Jason taking out a jug made of clay out of nowhere.

" the contents of this jug is a drink that allows to protect us from the effect of the curse of Goddess Aphrodite herself. This is something that was made by one of the members of Euda, Asclepius. Surely, you are familiar with him right? "

As the people of Lemnos listen to Jason talk, some of their nodded of their heads. They were familiar with the famous child of Apollo.

" It was disheartening to hear that you have all been cursed and asked Ascepius if he could possibly cure all of you from the curse effects left by Great Goddess Aphrodite, but with the way that you have welcomed us, it seems that you don't want us here to the island at all... I promise earlier that we bore no ill will and only come in peace.. Since you don't want us here and we don't want to harm anyone, we should leave now. "

Raising one of his hand, the members of the crew started going back inside the Euda. With only exception of Castor, Pollux, Heracles and Caeneus.

" Don't worry, we would let your Queen and Heralds go once we have left in your island while ensuring our safety. "

Turning his back, Jason started walking back to the ship. As he started walking, he suddenly heard the voice of the Queen, the heralds and people of Lemnos.

"" Please wait! ""

With his back turned to the people of Lemnos, and Arestor, Aristaeus who was watching from the ship, a smile formed on Jason's face.

' Hook, line and sinker. '

Even he was just a little child, the crew who watched all this events that transpired thought that their little captain is devious and cunning.

There was some other qualities on their captain other than being a good cook and a magician at a young age.

Truly deserving of someone who possess the bloodline of Hermes.

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