Chapter 21

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"We are in the suburbs of DC. I rented a hotel room. Tomorrow, I intend on knocking off Jennifer Jane."

I furrow an eyebrow. "What do you—"

"She perpetuated a system—perpetuated a system that I vowed to destroy since day one."

"What happens if—"

"Who cares if Vesuvius finds out? Vesuvius would do the same thing."

"Nero, please." I plead. "You haven't slept."

"I am aware." He snaps. "Hence why I said tomorrow."

I break eye contact with him. In the rearview mirror, I notice a small flicker of amber.




Zander, we are over. Right?

My heart made up its mind. Choosing Loch.

You know it isn't love. It is not love. I am losing my mind.


I'm just losing my mind.

I inhale deeply as we pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

I shouldn't be scared.

Why am I petrified?

I really should not be scared. The car screeches to a halt. I glance over, noticing a silver car perched beside us. Nero moves his hands away from the steering wheel. Eyes locking onto me.

"Stay here. I'll sign us in."

With those words, I watch him exit the car. Minutes pass before there's a knock upon my window. I turn my head. Sucking in a sharp breath.

He's not real.

He's just a delusion.


"You cannot be here. If you're seen, you're as good as dead."

"You're worth that risk, Blaire." Zander responds. "You seem afraid."

"Harris, you need to leave before he sees you. I'm serious."

"So am I. Come with me."

"No. I'll be fine. You can stop watching me."

Zander's eyebrows furrow as he shakes his head. "I'm still going to be watching you."

"Such a creep."

"You love me."

"I tolerate you. Go before you're caught."
With those words, he vanishes from sight. I could not deny the sensation of eyes upon me. Could not deny the sensation of guilt gnawing its way inside me. I raise a hand, raking it through my hair, before Nero returns. "Get the bags. We have our room."


"Can't have you running off, can I?"

I shoot him a glare. "Me? Run off? I wouldn't dream of it."

In truth, I wanted to flee. He is not the man he was. I winced at the sound of the popping car door. Off in the distance, Zander's head tilts to the side. Silently observing me. A phone in his hand. Then once again he vanishes. Nero glances at me. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. Thought I saw something." Nero's eyes narrow. I notice how he bristles. "Don't worry. I chose you." Though it's not love. I just want to stay alive. I swallow hard. When we reached the room, the door rattles shut. I toss the bag onto the chair, eyeing the room. Two queen-sized beds. A small refrigerator and microwave.

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