Chapter 10

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"Teasing?" I cocked my head to the side, a small smile sprouting upward upon my features. "What are you going to do about it?" My hand rested on the handle of the door.

"You walk out of this room—"

"What are you going to do about it?" I repeated.

He hissed out sharply squirming against the blackened hands holding him to the bed. "Damn it Blaire. He—"

I exhaled, sauntering back toward him. I eyed his face, noticing the varying darkness and width of each bruise upon his face. "Where'd the bruises come from?"

"You should know—" He growled out, hips rising.

"Oh?" I giggled. "But I don't."

"Zander." He finally breathed out. "Do not leave me."

I rolled my shoulders, chuckling as I returned to the door. I drew it open. "Perhaps you stewing is necessary."

"Blaire!" He cried out. "You bitch! You will pay."

I smirked. Will I? When I closed the door, I could hear the lock click into place and his fist connected to the wall. Rather easily, I maneuvered back to my office.

Now, who has control?

I grinned maliciously as I opened the door to my office, pleased to find it empty. However, as soon as my hands met the rough surface of my desk, I heard footfalls echo just beyond my office door.

Loch is locked in the bedroom. I thought, gaze holding onto the entrance to my office. I could hear the footfalls click in the corridor and my legs trembled as I moved to the door. Peeking out of the room, I felt ridiculous. I felt like a child, afraid of the dark. When I drew the door shut, I did not bother to lock it. Staring at the door for a moment, I moved back to my desk. Upon reaching it, I heard the door's hinges squeak as it slid open.

Glassy amber eyes, closer to the color of rolling burnt amber flickered upward to meet my own gaze. I noticed how he leaned against the doorframe, elbow pressed against it, his hand resting upon the pistol attached to the waistband of his ripped slacks. He looked no better than Nero, except dried blood clung to his lower lip and right nostril. One of his amber eyes had swollen shut. I took notice to how he had shed the thick black leather jacket in favor of the more familiar light grey, nearly white woolen jacket. Inky black veins swirled up and down his revealed forearms and neck, starkly contrasting his pale grey skin. He whispered something low, the words sounding like the whistle of the wind as he slowly pushed off the wall.

He sauntered toward me, moving like a lion "Zander." I, at last, greeted, but his name fell from my lips as a breathy sigh. His lips twitched in a frown as he raised his hand. Resting it upon the back of his neck, he raised an eyebrow before closing the door and locking it. Moving toward the cabinet, the soft squeak of the cabinet door peels open as he drew out a coat hanger. Removing the coat hanger from the tack, he sheds the woolen jacket placing it in the cabinet. I stare at him, noticing the tight-fitting dress shirt he wore. Peeking out from the sleeve, I noticed more swirls of the ink-black veins.

I stared at him as he moved to the opposing wall. I noticed how his eyes rose to lay steadily upon me. No longer is the uptick of his lips in a frown. Firmly upon his lips is a knowing smirk.

Or was it a nervous smile. He tilts his head. "Have I ever told you—"

I froze at his words, my sapphire eyes now leaning toward a light grey. I narrowed them as I find myself staring at my desk. "Zander. Flattery will get you nowhere."

He hums as he pushed off the wall. With a deep baritone chuckle followed up by a sigh, he replied, "Yet here I stand before the most stunning thing in the room."

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