Chapter 14

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The sound of his voice—my God. It could not have been him. It definitely was not the man I loved. It was different; malicious. Vile. Taunting. Confident, yet I could feel his hot breath against my neck, his hand grabbing me, keeping me under his heated gaze. His words dropped, losing all recognizable warmth.

"In a shower of metallic debris, fire and heavy smoke, your own mother abandoned more than just the world. You, with every power in you to shift history to prove your father's words wrong, turned against your own bright future. You left the central intelligence agency—"

When I shoved him off me, his amber eyes refused to soften. I shoved him off me once more—pushing him as far from me as humanly possible, as his eyes glimmered with the color of the void. I could feel the raw fury as it swam through me rolling off me in convective and toxic waves.

It crackled like kernels of popcorn.

It undulated.

It swirled violently through me and a growl tore from my throat. Zander seemed to lean against the wall, his chest rapidly rising and falling as his gaze refused to leave my own.

I created you.

I brought you back to keep me grounded. I'm going to lose.

My God.

I shook my head, lower lip quaking. "Get out. Get the fuck out before I kill you."

"You wouldn't." Zander replied in a hoarse whisper. The rage that burned in his gaze was gone, but there was no apologetic glint to his gaze. He took a step toward me, I refused to back away from him as his hand brushed the skin of my cheek. "You would not kill me, Blaire."

"Get out."

He frowned, but his eyes glittered. "Blaire, I am the one thing keeping you from losing it all. Nero is not the way to gain justice for the injustices your father—"

"Get the fuck out of my office before I tear you apart." I snapped out, noticing how he raises an eyebrow. The hand which was once on my cheek quickly falls to his side. With a chuckle, he vanished as I scooped up the file with a heavy sigh. Returning to my desk, I collapsed into the chair, my heart hammering violently within my chest. I stared at the door, glared where he once stood, though a heavy knock radiated at my door.

A moment. An hour. A day. I just—

A strangled sob, something that just seemed so bizarre as it fell from my throat did so, shaking me.

Your own mother is dead because of you.




You know your father is too stupid—too full of himself—Or was he? I placed my hands over my face, a shudder-like breath escaping my throat. When another knock echoed on the worn wood of my door, my head immediately snapped up.

"Blaire?" The door creaked open as I moved my hand to rub my eyes.

I am not crying.

Yes, you are.

No! That's—

Is it though? When have you ever truly listened to the old man's words? You meant nothing to him—well maybe you meant something to him as a young child but not as you grew. He hates you—everything about you. Not just—




With an edge of concern, I gently removed my hands from my face as I exhaled sharply. "Loch." I simply replied.

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