Chapter 15

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Where would Blaise' belongings be? 

Did she bring any?

What do you think? She is nothing more than an assassin. She would know how to be prepared without needing five changes of clothes.

With a rather peeved shake of his head, and a sharp exhale, Nero stalked back into my view. As he did so, he yanked open my door. "They're gone."

I raised an eyebrow as I mused out, "And you are pissed why?"

Would you, a man who is after Blaise solely for her crimes, know that the moment she feels threatened, she will get up and leave?

He does not respond to my inquiry. Instead, he growls under his breath as he states, "They are going after her. Fuck!"

I raise an eyebrow as he slams the car door shut. The car's engine grumbles back to life as he maneuvers the vehicle back onto the road. Our destination? The house, then the airport. He gave me a sideways glance; I noticed how he visibly tensed then relaxed.

His voice is thunderous, rough. "You knew where they were going, didn't you?"

"No." It is a lie. I knew exactly where they were heading. Though, I did not know why.


Fucking hell.

He knows.

He glares at me at the nearest red light, hand going toward his mouth. He nibbled on the skin of his thumb before pulling it away and he rested his hand on the edge of the top of the roof of the car.

"You knew." He repeated, more forcefully this time.

"Loch, I did not." I objected.

He scoffed as his gaze found my own. "I do not appreciate liars." I could hear the warning edge to his words.

"I am not lying." I interjected sharply, though it would seem to be of no use.

"You're nothing but a criminal." He states without meeting my gaze. "Lying is something you would have mastered." Though, before I could speak, he slammed his foot onto the acceleration pedal.

"Loch?" I finally ask once he falls dangerously silent. Heavy rainfall greets the metallic body of the vehicle as I stare at him. He refused to look at me, even as he pulled into the driveway of the house.

"Thirty minutes." He grumbled, as he opened the car door. He steps out of the car and moves into the house. The door slammed shut behind him as I stared through the windshield, listening to a crash of thunder as it reverberates through the moonlit sky.

She is just an object. She is nothing. She should mean nothing to you.

When, at last, I emerged from the car and entered the house, I could hear his boots against the linoleum flooring, his eyes diverted to the mug of mocha-colored liquid he was nursing. I glare at his back, noticing how he stiffens. "You were always meant to be on your knees." I hear his words, they are hoarse, but I heard those words.

I am nothing to him but a piece of meat. Yet, how is it possible that I cannot refuse him? He stiffened when I took a step toward him.


"Castillo." He retorts. "How are you any different--"

"Why would I lie to you?" I asked.

"Why would you sell--"

My palms tightened, my knuckles rapidly turn a ghastly white.

You are such a fucking asshole. You are nothing more than an arrogant prick, waltzing around believing you are the shit.

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