Chapter 4

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Seriously? Nero thought as his gaze fell to the darkening pavement as heavy drops of water seemed to roll off him. His palms tightened as he moved his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

Yes, really. You must realize that I am alive.

How could Blaise consider me dead?

Shut up.

Shut up.

I don't need you.

Oh, really? I am the one who kept you alive. Oh yes, she knows I am quite alive. You surely know Blaire is a mob boss—a crime lady; she will not bow down to us so willingly and easily.

Which is why Nero Loch intended to play the cop, his badge was placed prominently onto the left breast pocket. The pistol was secured beneath his suit jacket on his hip. His lips curled downward as I responded to the obnoxious tapping against my door. I folded my arms across my chest, knowing my sapphire eyes glittered against the light of the darkening sky. Through my narrowed eyes, I noticed the badge which was placed deliberately and prominently upon his chest.

He lowered his arms and rested it on his side, with one of his hands resting upon the concealed weapon. His navy-blue eyes seemed to twinkle incessantly, concealing his true motivations. "Morning, Miss Castillo."

Chills ran up and down my spine at the common greeting, yet those eyes still twinkled. They gleamed with silent amusement causing my entire body to shiver underneath the unwavering blue irises.


How is that aura of his so strong?

How in the world is it capable of drawing me toward him?

My fists tightened as I asked, "Morning?"

"May I talk to you?" He asked as he took a step toward me.


Another step and that hand which rested on the concealed pistol now rested on the frame of the door. He did not reply. Oh God. Yet, when he moved toward me, the amused gleam was not one of a cop during an interrogation. I turned my head, looking away from his gaze.

"Honestly?" I inquired. "How much of a fool would I have to be to believe you?"

He tilted his head to the side and an eyebrow delicately rose. "A fool my dear?"





I swallowed hard. "Get out of my—"

"You really must think me for someone else. If you must know, however, I am anything but a joker."

"I see." My tone was like layered sugar and there was a hint of unintentional seduction to it. Straightening as he clearly swallowed hard (for I noticed how the sound was audible, like a pop of popcorn), I asked, "Tell me Officer, how did you find me exactly?"

"That, my dear," Again with the pet name. My palms tightened as his arrogance held his tone cruelly. "Is something you are not welcome to acknowledge."

I huffed as I replied, "You are not state police." For if you were, I would not feel as though I am under arrest. "Now, why would a federal agent of the FBI have an interest in a state crime ring?"

"So," He grinned with an impish gleam to his gaze. "You admit it."

"I concede nothing, Agent." The tone I used would have solidified molten rock, and I knew my eyes became a murky steel blue.

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