Chapter 17

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"What the hell does she even see in you?"

"That should not be one of your petty concerns." The words are rumbled out of Nero's chest.

"Oh?" His fists flexed as he quickly closed the bay of air. When has his hands fallen to his side? "You are such a bastard. I believe it should matter to me."

"Do you think she would ever forget you? Do you think I could easily make her forget you ever existed? Could I p—"

His fluid movement is abrupt. There is a piercing crack to his jaw and midsection sends Nero's rings ringing and his head swimming. However, Nero seems to smirk, losing the mental war with his mental twin.

"She doesn't give a damn about you." Nero rasped out through clenched teeth.

Zander's eyes narrowed, the ink color of his eyes diminished, but no matter how much the pain radiated through his wrists and knuckles, there had to be a way to bring Nero to his knees.

More than just throwing punches.

Is that all I can fucking do to him?

There must be something.

He must have skeletons in his closet. What are they? Though, that thought leaves him immediately as he clears his head.

"Why the hell would I leave her with a sadistic sociopathic bastard like yourself?" Zander seethes, eyes igniting like a bright orange blaze rapidly. "A fucking cop. How many prisoners did you rough up because they spoke to you like you were nothing but dirt beneath their shoes?"

"That is irrelevant." Nero retorts hotly. "I won—"

Zander growled. "You lay a fucking hand on her again with the intent to physically harm her, I will—"

"You'll what? Harris." Despite himself, Nero charged the protective undead mob boss. His fists coil around the former mob boss' shirt collar, pulling him to him. "Tell me, you little shit, what it is that you are going to do to me? What makes you think I wanted her to feel pain? You have nothing, do you? Your threats are nothing—"

His grip on Zander's shirt collar slackens allowing Zander to storm out of my office. The door slammed heavily behind him just as a low growl of thunder merged with the laughter flowing from Nero's lips. With a growl, Zander slams both his fists to the wall as he saunters into what was once our shared bedroom. His knuckles still somehow rang and twitched with the pain from the punches that connected to Nero's jaw and midsection. Violently, he raked his hands through his hair before they fell to his sides. He drew open the drawer of the dresser, drawing out a black shirt. Slamming the dresser drawer shut, he stared at the person staring back at him.

What have I become? Nothing but a man fixated on her. That's not who I am.

But you love her.

Of course, he fucking loved her. Who wouldn't?

You should know that my love for her should be irrelevant.

What the hell does she see in him?

Is there anything she sees in him?

Is it just pure desire?

Raw lust?

Or is there more?

For fuck's sake. Why the hell would she love somebody who abuses her? That's not—

Zander's footsteps click toward me as I slowly exhale. I could hear the shifting footsteps and soon, I could feel eyes upon me. The light of the living room shifts in and out of focus as I exhaled sharply, a numbness radiates through my side as though I just smacked into a sharpened corner. Lulling my head to the side slowly, I easily find the gaze of the person entering the living room. Standing in the darkened corridor, he stands there, his eyes ablaze. Dusty black hair seems to blend with the surrounding darkness. Those amber eyes which gleamed in front of the backdrop of the darkened corridor gave off the rapid impression of a predator lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike its prey.

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