Chapter 19

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Footsteps click rapidly against the familiar flooring of her office, both hands are clasped behind her back as she moves. He is observing her movements, watching her fists occasionally flex. She's rapidly pacing. He rises from the chair to stride toward her. She halts her movements when his hand catches her wrist. He tugs her gently toward him.

"I'd hate for you to go into this alone." He murmurs, near the lower shell of her ear. He senses her shiver beneath his touch as her head slowly lulls back toward his right shoulder. Another tug, and she's flush against him, an arm wrapped securely around her waist. Where he is expecting her to struggle, she doesn't. She gives into him, succumbing to his radiating warmth and presence.

"I want her dead. I want her to pay."

"For the impact she had on his 'death'. Blaise, you cannot walk into this without—"

"You think I haven't thought this through?"

Aidan chuckles softly. "I never said that my dear. I just think, especially if Loch is following us, that you need to wait to make your move."

She sucks in a breath. "I've waited long enough, Brantley."

Huffing indignantly, he whirls her around to face him. "What exactly do you think is going to happen?"


"He won't do a damn thing to you. I will not allow it." Aidan's words are crisp and sharp. Piercing her defenses. "Now, sit down."

Blaise raises an eyebrow at the request. A small smirk graces her lips. "You're holding me against you. How am I supposed to—?"

"Let's go talk to her."


"Who do you think? You're not going to relax until you get answers."

"I don't need you to come with me."

Aidan furrows his eyebrow as he places a hand on Blaise' cheek. "I'm going with you."

"This is between her and me. I don't need you—"

"I'm already involved Vesuvius." He muses softly. Blaise tenses under his heavy scrutiny. Swallowing roughly. He notices.

Is she afraid of me?

No. That couldn't have been correct. It is not fear that gleams in her gaze. Agitation, perhaps? Killing all those who ruined her may have worked in the past. Yet, Aidan knows that killing everyone is a reckless endeavor. "Now, are you going to give me the keys to your car, or are we going to continue to bicker?"

Blaise huffs out indignantly. His grip upon her slackens completely. The pair exit Blaise' home. The drive to the building which housed the federal bureau of investigation is a quiet affair. Aidan navigates the car one-handed as his other hand rests on the back of Blaise' chair. Her gaze has not once met his since they departed.

She's pissed. She'd kill her the moment she has the chance.

As he slams on the break drawing the car to a halt at the LED stoplight, he eyes her. Leaning back, the hand that once rests on the back of her chair moves to rest on her thigh. That elicits her gaze to lock onto his. Eyes gleaming with barely controlled fury and disdain, she sighs.

"You didn't—"

"You would have come home covered in blood. I told you, wait."

"You're not coming in with me."

"That's not what we—"

Blaise laughs roughly. "The light's green."

Aidan removes his hand from her thigh, placing it on the back of her chair. The car lurches forward.

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