Chapter 25

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Vansh and Riddhima were still in hall when the men arrived

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Vansh and Riddhima were still in hall when the men arrived.

" boss , they came.."

" Quickly order them to start the search any cost i want Sana"

" but bhai if that Kabir came to knew then he will flee and we would be back to scratch

" so what you want me to do let her die ............................"

"Ask them to search in disguise and in no cost they should come in eyes of Kabir" Riddhima came forward and held Vansh shoulder.

Angre nodded and all went out.

Sana opened her eyes......................she looked around. She couldn't see anything, everything looked faded, dark and lifeless..........

Her head felled down and she looked at herself,
" where is my coat....."
She looked around the room ,her coat was hanging at the corner of the room.

" When did he took it out....... oh no............ had he seen the transmitter....... or the gun......."

She sensed her gun was missing.

" oh no.................... "

All chances of surviving this psycho has ended..............
Sana looked at her coat hanging at the end of the room,
" i can't loose hope ,i have to just reach the coat and give the signal....... Sana you can do this."

She tried draging the chair but it was chained to the wall.

" Whatttt.............."

She was frustrated when ,she noticed that the rope around her shoulder has loosen.

A hope sparkled in her  ,she tried the best she could to to lose it a little more....... suddenly Kabir entered................

" aww...... my sweetheart... i know the rope is loosened no.......... don't worry i am here na i will tight it.....".

He went near her and tightened the rope, the grip was so harsh that a tear felled down her eyes.

" Riddhima...... tell me one think ........ what is a gun doing with you................."

She turned her head in shock,
" oh no........." her mind screamed.

" i..... i........"

" Don't worry i know...... that Vansh must have given you that............... he is just destroying your innocence....."
He came  forward and got seated near her legs,
" see..... never use gun, it kills.......OK...."

Sana nodded in fear.

" aww..... so cute" he stood up.

" K....Kabir..."

He turned back," yes..... sweetheart.'

" please open me...... i........ i won't run."

"ummmm........ i know my Riddhima will never but what if you are still his.........."

Saving Her ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang