Chapter 6

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Vansh took the seat beside Riddhima, he was looking at her face, her eyes were closed ,skin was pale and all red and due to the wounds

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Vansh took the seat beside Riddhima, he was looking at her face, her eyes were closed ,skin was pale and all red and due to the wounds.
An unknown tear escaped his eye ,what level of pain she would have experienced, how much she would have cried ,how much she would have screamed for help, how many times she would have remembered him and he............ he just left her ,left her on her own. He didn't even tried to reach her before that video came out. As he was in his own thoughts, suddenly she opened her eyes, her eyes felt on the crying figure of vansh ,there eyes met, quickly he turned his face and wiped off his tear. He looked at Riddhima with a forced smile,
" are you ok ,....want something.... water "
She shook her head in no .
" then close your eyes ...take rest you need it ,please..."

She followed his advice quitely and closed her eyes . He again went into his own thoughts ...........
How the family reacted after seeing that video, how much angry they were and all of sudden they were filled with guilt and empathy , she had something in her, she had something which would surpass every mistake she did, her smile....... laughter.
Her soul made the atmosphere of this Mansion cheerful and now, the soul of this Mansion was wounded.
How could this mansion be happy when ..........the light is itself in darkness.
How ??

He was thinking all this when he was reminded of the incident that happened after that video


He quickly went with Angre to the outhouse ,
"what should I do Angre... what?.... how should I get to Riddhima. I just can't understand this situation .This is such a tough spot I just can't see her in this state ......blood ......."
Angre could sense his anxiety,

" please calm down bhai...... please. Calmness in the situation will only help us to reach bhabhi otherwise we have no other option .I will quickly contact my agency and get some help . we need more people to get her rescued then we can contact the police, I don't think they can help us in this matter currently,and what if Kabir got to know about this....but we will get them known as soon as we get her location."

Vansh headed out. Angre called the agency and asked Sana to come as soon as possible.
Sana called Angre after about an hour and informed him that there is a chance of her being West to Andheri . They need to head fast, Angre told Vansh about it and they quickly left.
Sana was along with them and they headed to Andheri ,Vansh on the way asked Sana
" how you came know that the chances of her being in Andheri are so high ??
"Kabir was in police department so through the intelligence department we got his phone no. and by luck he is still using his old phone no. so his last location was in Andheri... so most probably he is in Andheri and ma'am must be with him only."

Vansh agreed and they all headed to Andheri but Andheri was a big place where did he kept her, in which area ,in which building, in which flat, in which room they had no clue.

They started there search but this would take a whole lot of time .
No...he had to get to her as soon as possible. This much time in Kabir's imprisonment no.... Not at all.
Suddenly he was reminded of the watch which she has bought for both of them. It was a smartwatch, if they could detect the location of her smart watch there was a chance ,they could find her. The idea was totally appealing to Sana and Sana at once left to for intelligence department with Vansh's watch.
The department investigated the number which was encoded on Vansh's watch .
On the other side Vansh and Angre went to different locations to search for the Riddhima showing her photo to each and every person they meet but of no use.
" Where are you ......where Riddhima...where..", Vansh's heart cried. After about two hours of searching her and having no clue about her Angre got a phone call it was from the Sana ," Hello.. yes.. the watch was last reported in e-4 building right to the tower high."
There was a glow in Angre's face as he approached Vansh and told him about the watch's location ,both headed to the building in a panicked state.  They went inside the building it was an under construction building ,no CCTV, no security guards and but the only blessing was that it was not fully constructed ,so they can search it is without any obstruction. This was high time that they should inform the police about the matter, they would help them in the search operation. They at once informed the police and the police arrived within 30 minutes The search begun, every corner ,every floor every room, terrace ,everything was checked but Riddhima could be find nowhere . All of them were surprised because the watch location was this only but she couldn't be found anywhere.
All hopes we're lost.
Vansh felled on the floor injuring his knee," She is not here too, I lost her.... I lost Riddhima" . His state became miserable .
Angre took him out of the building and they approached the car .
As he opened the door, suddenly he felt something, his heart was not ready to accept it . Situation says she is not her but his heart said that she is somewhere near him but where ...........
He closed the door.
Every time he took a decision with his mind it was wrong, whether it was to throw her out of the house for a betrayal or to not understand her truth .
"I am doing the same thing again ......the mistake again........ Let's go inside once more and check again I can't lose hopes on Riddima ."

Everyone followed him inside.
They once again started to search for her, as they searched ,Vansh came across a door in the security guards rooms.
"What is a room doing inside a security guards room" Vansh quickly called Angre and Sana all of them arrived at the door ,they took out there guns and were ready to smack in and rescue the one who is suffering inside . Vansh broke open the door and they found a long staircase which lead to the basement . They went down ,the stair opened into a room and it had a door . Vansh opened the door silently and the view inside just took there breath away Riddhima was brutally tied to a chair,her hands were tied, her mouth was tied ,she was unconscious, blood was continuously dripping down her head, hand burned, her shoulder was stabbed with knife .
Her state was miserable that it could bring pain to the strongest heart present there. The state in which they found her was beyond inhumanity, beyond any torture they had ever seen .

Vansh ran to her, untied her mouth and opened her hands, her legs, she was unconscious , she couldn't even speak .He lift her up and ran out towards the car , he asked Sana to drive to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. He called Angre and asked him to stay at the place and look for Kabir, they should not miss him in any case. Sana drove to the nearest hospital. Riddhima was admitted and the doctor went to the operation theatre while he was sitting on the chair outside .As the lights went on, his heart started beating fast . What is happening inside, will she no she will..... off course, how many stitches are going to be on her shoulder, how many times she would have been stabbed by that Kabir. How brutally he would have slapped her ,how inhumanly he tied her hands, her legs .

All these thoughts brought a rage in his eyes ,he was broken.Sana approached him with a glass of water
" boss you need this, ma'am would be fine, don't worry"
Sana left for the hospital reception to complete the formalities for the operation . Vansh remained seated outside the OT ,as the doctor came out ,he looked at the doctor with a fading hope.
" She is out of danger ..
But...I think this incident had left , more brutal marks on her mind than that on her body ,she had been stabbed , the cheeks are badly swollen ,we have put the stitches and it would take atleast one week for her to get discharged and probably few month to recover from this. The doctor went away and Vansh was left struck, he went near the OT window and looked inside, she was breathing slowly under the oxygen mask ,her face had multiple bandages except for her eyes nothing was visible, but every inch of her spoke the pain she had experienced.

Sana called dadi and informed them that she had been rescued and she is currently in the hospital. The family came there. Vansh was sitting outside the ICU by this time. He told dadi that she would be fine but she need to be admitted for one week ,they all must return home as a condition is not that dadi would be able to bear her state, he asked Sana to take  Ishani and dadi  home.


Presently, the door opened and the house help came in ,

" Sir dadi is calling you for lunch" "I am coming ."

He unclenched there hands and softly kept it on the bed and walked out.


Salvation is a state of being saved from something.
But does only being saved, erase every mark of pain never.
Salvation can help you breath but just breathing don't certify if you are alive.
So are you alive or just breathing??

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