Chapter 2

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Vansh entered the room

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Vansh entered the room. His eyes felled on the sleeping figure in his room. There was something something which was killing her within ,it was clearly visible on her face which just turned pale and yet red due to her wounds.

Her face had its own story to tell it was clearly visible how much she had suffered, her head had injury ,her cheeks were swollen, her lips were blood red. It felt as if each in every corner of a face has faced the torture without any mercy.
The tentacles of anger started to take Vansh in its cage. But he can't do anything neither when she was suffering nor now when she had suffered. He sat on the couch nearby and was continuously staring at her face every injury on her face pierced his heart .
Whatever wrong she did she had loved him and somewhere or the other he held himself responsible for such condition. He closed his eyes and  started to think of every incident which occurred all this time.

There first meeting in a beach party.The Cruise party in which she was the party planner. When he got to know she was a physiotherapist too. When she entered the Mansion  as Sia's  physiotherapist, when she threw off the resignation letter on his face because she didn't liked his behavior ............

Vansh smiled.
................................Her  expression when he forced  her to marry him , there marriage, everything was going on his mind and suddenly he got reminded of the day the truth came out, the day he got to knew that she was actually a spy ,whom his long-lost enemy Kabir has sent to take revenge on him .
Everything was planned according to Kabir and Riddhima was just a pawn .She himself didn't knew what she was going into, was it correct, was it right but she just went................
The day the truth came out ,the guilt she had in her eyes , everything was coming in front of Vansh's eyes.

That morning........... now he hope that if that morning hadn't ever came. When angre let the truth before him the truth of Riddhima being a spy. Everyone in the family was shocked .Riddhima was standing with the head down while  everyone was letting their anger come out on her. Even that time , Vansh was silent .

And when he finally spoke everything was lost ,now he hope that why he even spoke ,why didn't he kept quiet." Shut up , Riddhima, just shut up. You betrayed me. You were a spy and even in love with that Kabir ,you agreed to spy on me just for that could you, how could you play with my emotions, how could you play with my family.
You will never ever gain my forgiveness for what you have done. Just leave this Mansion and go this is the least punishment I can give for your betrayal otherwise you know what is my level of hatred for betrayals and please leave before I just lose my calmness  ......just leave , just leave".
Why did he even said all this, why now he has no other option but to regret.

She actually left that day ,she couldn't anymore stand hatred of the family from which she received so much love .She left.

Everyone was broken yet angry on her. That day he went to his room and found a letter with the nuptial chain which Riddhima has left for her, in anger he threw it and suddenly Dadi entered. She took the letter and the chain and went near vansh
" I know she has hurted you  and even I just can't believe what I just heared but you know what Vansh, you must read this at least to know why she did all this at least....."
Her word broke into tears. Vansh took the letter and opened it.
I know you don't want to read this at all but still if you are reading this ,i would be the happiest person on this Earth.
I know that you would never forgive me and I deserve it well.
But at least let me tell you the truth I have been wanting to tell you all this time.
Vansh ,yes I was a spy ,a spy which Kabir has sent to gain proofs again a criminal which never existed.I was in love with him until I came to knew the truth that his love was a game a game he had set to make you a criminal for a crime you never committed . I know you won't believe me but I didn't knew that I was been played ,played in hands of Kabir.
Orphan na , he fooled me with love. But I  just want to tell you that my love was not a game, never.
My love was true vansh it was true. I know,
It's hard to believe me but if you can then please. My love was true vansh....


Presently , Vansh opened his eyes
All his thought came to a stop .
" Why I didn't find the full truth. why?"

He went near the window and opened it . Looking at the Moon he again went into the memories of that day

He came running down and looked at the door she was gone...... Why he didn't waited . Everyone got to knew about her letter.
"Seriously bro are you still trusting her words ,she made a fool of us and she is again doing the same." Ishani chuckled.
"She is again playing the same game." Aryan too exclaimed.

Vansh eyes went down ,why is he trusting her again .
" What if she telling the truth?" Dadi said to vansh .
" Even if she telling the truth no one can neglect that she entered my life with aim of betrayal and no love can mend what is broken Dadi leave it. She got what she deserved . Better she is away now I got one more lesson to not trust people easily." Although Vansh eyes had a determination in it but Dadi easily sensed the Pain which he was experiencing.

Presently ,the winds blew and Vansh closed the windows.
"" Riddhima whispered.
Vansh came out of his thoughts and ran to Riddhima he quickly made her sit and held the glass to her mouth.She quietly drank water and made her way to sleep.
" I am sorry Riddhima had I trusted you that day your state would haven't been like this."
Vansh  gave her one last look and went to the other side of the bed and dozed off staring at her wounded face.



No words can mend what is broken but love can .
Try to heal one soul around you not necessarily human just anyone...
Anyone in pain and when  you are done the feeling is way better than the eerie atmosphere of this part.
Yay or nay???

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