Chapter 7

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Vansh came out of the room and signalled Sana to come upstairs

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Vansh came out of the room and signalled Sana to come upstairs.  She came  at once and he  asked her to sit by Riddhima's side till he returns.She nodded and he left, as he walked downstairs he saw everyone was waiting for him but  he was in no mood to have lunch yet if he declines,  they will become more panicked and he needs to take there care as well . He stepped down and went to the dine area

"You all  didn't started yet" he questioned.
" We were waiting for you "
"what..... then come on let's have it."
He took dadi to the dining table and made her seated, all the family members got seated with them.
"As of now , I was thinking that with  Riddima even we need some  break I just planned  something that is really important for us and even more for her." Vansh exclaimed.

" You are right but what?"
" I was thinking wouldn't it be better if we go for an outing, it can be good because she needs it  and of course we too."

"Yeah bhai...... it is a great idea. "
" Then done , I will make the arrangements you all get ready for tommorow."
They smiled.

After the lunch Vansh went upstairs, Sana was sitting beside Riddhima and she was awake.
Vansh stepped inside,

"So you are always  awake when Sana is here but  rest when I am here..." Riddhima looked up to him ,she wanted to say something but couldn't .
Vansh looked at her state and himself answered
" ok ........ok I understand I only insisted you to sleep need of telling me my mistake every time" He smiled .
"Sana you too go and have some  rest ,you need it more than me."
"Fine boss I take your leave."

Sana went and Vansh got seated, " We....had planned  an outing for you what do you say ...." she didn't replied.
" Your Highness....... please reply I am waiting for your reply at least blink only like you did for the doctor."
She blinked,
"So..... finally... You  replied ......
oh my God ,is this real." Vansh gave a cheerful smile.
"So  what's the  favourite place  of yours  ".
She looked at him, her eyes were wet, but this time it was not out of the pain she was experiencing, it was out of the cares she saw in his eyes, his words..........
How much care he held for her, how much love he had for her. The way he was consoling her like she was some little child crying from some thing her parents denied to buy. This moment was such that she wanted to capture it in her  memories  forever.....
but ........couldn't because it was related to something that she would never ever want to keep with her  ....a broken heart .

" Why........ I just can't understand why you're always cry when I am around, probably I am not looking good today can't be true ....... Fine .. I need a quick visit to the salon I need serious beauty tips now."
Riddhima smiled ........
.....the smile which he was trying to bring in her face since last two weeks had finally came. This was a moment ,he has been longing for... This was the moment he wanted to create.  Probably she was healing ,healing at  her heart.

"statue..... don't move", quickly he  took out a phone to capture her smile and she faded .
"  what Riddhima, I said  statue you are just breaking rules every time."

" Why you always irritate her Vansh.... she needs rest"
Dadi entered the room ,both looked in her direction .She  came to her and carressed her head ,
"let her rest..  we are going for an outing tomorrow she need to rest, so that she can enjoy tomorrow otherwise she will feel weak.." Dadi said softly caressing her hair.
" Actually this is right must take rest.", and they both made her sleep, she actually didn't wanted to , she has been sleeping since last 15 days but her condition was as such  that she felt sleepy every now and then ,probably it was the effect of medications.

Vansh and dadi walked out of the room and walked down the hall. He got seated on the sofa opening his laptop and his mind flew back to that day..


He asked all the family members to  return to the mansion. As they went, he received a phone call from Angre,
"Bhai , Kabir is not at all going to  come  here ,we have found another pen drive with a note I am going to bring it to you very soon"
"No... no need I am here in the hospital, we will look at it afterwards..In all probability, he has escaped and he knew that we would come there  soon to rescue her that why he kept that pendrive do one thing keep it in my room I will see it later."
He ended the call and looked up ,a  nurse came out ,

" are you with Mrs. Riddhima."
" yes...yes I am with her"
"she is awake if you want to visit you can go in ."

Vansh went in, he held his heart, his emotions,  in no case  he should cry otherwise she will  break too. He went inside her eyes were open but she was looking nowhere ...her blank expression  was clearly reflecting the pain.. the horror she had experienced .
He was filled with rage and came out. The pain was just breaking  his heart.

He held himself and called Angre,
"..I just called you to  check the leftover  formalities  and call Sana at once with the medicated food ,we need somewhere here at night too."
" yes bhai.".

The week passed, someone was continuously with her but she was quite, without saying a word, without giving any expression,she just laid there blank, as if she was nowhere, as if she was lost. Vansh was continuously taking her care .Dadi was coming everyday but Vansh never let in , she was not at all in the condition which Dadi could bear.

Vansh stood beside  her every now and then ,he was  so lost in her care that Sana had to remind him, to have water or a bite of food . It was necessary for him to stay strong in this situation.
After about a week finally she was discharged dadi and Ishani also arrived at the hospital ,but when they looked at her condition......they could clearly see what would had been her condition when she was  brought here one week ago.
Vansh consoled dadi ,Sana came outside and asked Vansh to take Ishani and dadi home. She and Angre will carefully bring her home. Vansh disagreed but on  insistance  , he left for the home.


Presently, Dadi entered.
" Are you listening to me need to pack yours and her stuffs "
Vansh turned.
" Yes Dadi  I was going for that only. After packing the  stuffs and as the dinner was done. Vansh quickly returned to the room, she was  asleep , Vansh called Sana and asked her if she had checked the bookings.
He sat on the couch and started re -checking the details about tomorrow.

P.S- Convalescence refers to the recovery period......but how much do you think she has recovered.
Is recovering from wounds the real convalescence or it has some more deep meaning.
Let's see what's your  perspective.....

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