Chapter 1

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Sana held Riddhima and brought her inside the Mansion

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Sana held Riddhima and brought her inside the Mansion.It has been 8 days she was in the hospital fighting to survive from the incident which occured last week .
The biggest storm had came and left ....and now she has to make everything resettle for herself.
Her hopes we're like the few trees which were left after the havoctic storm and that to, in no state to give shadow ;broken and barren.

As Riddhima stepped in the Mansion ,she was dead at heart with no tears left to cry ,no scream left to ask forgiveness ,nothing at all. Sana was holding her ,as both of them walked Riddima was totally dependent on Sana she was in no state to distinguish direction or to identify any obstacles that were in front of her.Sana made her seated on the sofa and went to take water for her.

Vansh was standing . All this time he was only standing . With all the courage he had, he stopped his tears but was not able to go near Riddima and ask her if she was fine........................
Once he promised her to protect her from any problem at any point of time and in any situation. But now with what face should he approach her ,what would he ask her, her condition was like even a slight touch might cause her to break .
He was not able to understand anything , Dadi stood beside him holding him ,all the family members were quite ,no one had words to say now the situation was like everyone had anger against her but she had suffered far more than the punishment she would have got for" her so called betrayal".

Sana entered with the glass of water and made her drink it. All were looking at here but she was lost , lost somewhere where she saw no one . No one to calm her no one to give her water ,no one to save her. All these thoughts raised her anxiety, Vansh sensed it and signalled Sana to take her to the room.
Sana made her stand and took her to the room . They ascended the staircase and went up to the room . Sana opened the door took Riddhima to the bed and made her lay . She put off the lights and asked her to rest and left for the hall.
Riddhima laid there closing her eyes she was thoughts , no emotions slowly she dozed off.

In the hall,
All family members were sitting while the servants were serving tea to them as Sana reached Vansh signalled her to sit.

" How many days she is going to stay here" Ishani asked ,her tone had a clear hatred .
"Please not now." Dadi exclaimed .
" She need us ...............And somewhere or other we are the reason for her state". Dadi's tone saddened.

" She herself is responsible for her state , one betrayal over another ,one or the other day she will had to face this only." Ishani tone was continuously overtaking the empathy she had just feel for Riddhima.

" Stop...." Vansh finally said
" just stop no more Riddhima ..........."
There was a silence for a minute .
"it's high time let's have lunch..Vansh come on child you haven't eaten anything since morning , come every one let's have lunch" Dadi took everyone to the dining table everyone seated themselves .Dadi took the place left to vansh and Everyone started there lunch while Vansh was continuously staring at the vacant chair where once Riddhima used to sit.
Now there was a untold pain there .........a scream .
Dadi looked at him and started feeding him .
" She will be ok, everything will be ok." Vansh shook his head .
Sana was passing by the table when Vansh stopped her.
" Had she eaten something ?"
" Not yet boss,but Don't worry I will take her meal upstairs in some time."
" Fine" .

After the lunch the family retired to there respective rooms .
Vansh made Dadi sleep as she was continuously taking care of him and has neglected her own health in the process.

As Vansh made his way out Angre and Sana were discussing something ,he headed up to them.
" Sana ,have you collected bhabhi's report."
" Not yet Angre sir but I will go in the evening and do all the leftover formalities and return by night "
" Ok then I am going to check on Ishani ,hope she is fine."
" Sure sir".

Angre left and Sana turned, Vansh was standing there.
" I have given all her responsibility to you Sana ,hope you take her care well"
" Yes boss...I was just going to take her food upstairs . Anything else??."
" No"
Sana went .
Riddhima was still sleeping when Sana entered the room.
" Ma'am wake up see it's 2 already won't you eat something ." She said in a cheerful tone.
Slowly she opened her eyes .Sana made her sit and put the table before her laid the food and asked the servant to leave .She opened the curtains and turn on the lights .
Riddhima was suddenly disturbed by the lights but she adjusted herself.
" So with what will you start,here.....mmm take this juice you will find it easy to drink ." She put the glass near her mouth .But she didn't reacted .
" Ma'am"
" Hmmm"
" Please have it you need to take your medicine too "
She sipped few times and signalled for no more.
Sana took a spoonful of the medicated food she was advised to have and directed it to her. She ate it but suddenly tears started appearing in her eyes.

" What happened ,it still pain in eating , don't worry slowly you will recover " .
Sana pacified here and put the food back .
She turned to get Riddhima's medicine when she saw Vansh standing on the door.
He had tear in his eyes as if the he could fell the pain Riddhima just experienced.
He walked in and handed over the medicine to Sana .Sana made her take them .Riddima was still sitting as if she couldn't see anyone around .
Sana made her lay again and turn off the lights.
Both of them walked out of the room.

" She still feels pain in eating??"
" Yes ,but boss don't worry she will recover soon after all she is home now , she is with you all she will recover very soon. All the torture she went through has left a huge impact on her mind that's the reason she is not reacting . But now you are with her ,her family is with her she will heal ,don't worry Boss"

Sana left, she has told Vansh everything thing which could pacify him. But she was still not sure how much he gained it.

The dinner went off the same manner .There was an unusual silence in the mansion.

In the night Vansh asked Sana to relax as he would take care of her and left for his room .



There are many incident which breaks us ,but remember you are not defeated unless you keep fighting.
Hope you keep fighting.
Yay or nay??

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