Chapter 49

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4.30 pm sharp and me, the princes, the king and queen and 40 guards were standing on the top floor. Maids were there too, ready to fix our appearances if something wouldn't look right. I've only been here once before. It was when I walked out on the balcony to get some fresh air before Taehyung came and interrupted me. There were several differences now compared to that moment and the biggest one was that I would go out there on the balcony, but now I would not only see a poor city. I would see millions of people, having all their attention on me.

The queen had dyed her actually light hair dark so that no one would see her natural color, so that no one would realize the truth. Due to the make-up, her cheekbones appeared even clearer, which made her look even meaner than usual. I glanced at the king and saw that he and his wife had matching crowns. They were huge and made of gold with purple and dark blue details. His mantle and her long dress followed the same color theme. The princes also wore crowns, which were also made of gold with dark blue jewels on and it matched their dark blue coats. I saw how Hoseok was on his way to me and his expression made me uncomfortable. He looked worried, as if something was wrong. However, he never reached me because the naughty tall girl positioned herself right in front of me.

"You know, everyone is waiting to see you, that's why they are there, so I hope you have practiced well. Otherwise I would advise you to go do it right now since you're up last and therefore have some extra time."

"The people are there because they are forced to." I said and pointed at the direction of the balcony. "And thank you very much for that advise." I sarcastically smiled. She gritted her teeth and was about to say something more, but the king interrupted.

"May I get everyone's attention! Gather in front of me here!"

His loud voice made everyone react. I hurried towards the princes and positioned myself in between them to make me feel safe. The guards and maids stood behind us and the queen beside her husband.

"This evening is extremely important, and I hope that you all are well prepared. We will get ready after this information I give you, so listen carefully. After each speech, fireworks will be discharged and when they have stopped, the next person take place. What is the order now again?" The king asked, looking at the tall girl for an answer. She immediately took place beside the king and smiled with her pretty lips before speaking.

"Your Majesty, Your Grace, My lords... The order is the following: first the king, secondly the queen, after her it's prince Jin, then prince Yoongi, prince Hoseok, prince Namjoon, prince Jimin, prince Taehyung, prince Jungkook and lastly princess Y/N."

"Great." The king nodded and the girl walked back to her original place. Then the king continued.

"The speeches will be broadcasted on television and beside us there will be screens so that everyone can see us clearly. Later, after the speeches, a feast will take in the great hall. Understood?"

Everyone nodded, including me. Shit. I was getting so damn nervous now.

"Lets position ourself in the right order!" The king stated and I looked at the princes to maybe get an idea of how they were feeling, trying to see if they were nervous about what I was going to do. However, neither of them looked at me, they didn't even glance at me once. When we had positioned us in a line in the right order, I was standing at the end and I was so fucking scared.

"Jungkook?" I whispered to the man who stood in front of me in the line. He didn't answer so I tapped him on the shoulder. "Jungkook?"

"Shh, the king goes out on the balcony now." He said without even turning an inch to look at me. What the hell?

"How are you feeling?" I asked because I hadn't given up yet. He didn't answer.

"Jungkook? I know you're nervous, just talk to me. We can gi-"

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