Chapter 17: Unknown Number

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Emma's POV

I brushed my golden locks and tied it up into a messy bun as I prepared for bed. It was late but I had to prepare for Loren and Melissa's arrival. My phone chimed and I walked over to my bedside table where it was charging.

"We're on the plane now, see you soon. 😘" a text from Melissa read.

"Have a safe flight, see you in a few 😍"

Setting my phone back down, I returned to the bathroom and started to wash my face when my phone started to ring. Ignoring it, I finished washing my face and started my skincare routine. The phone stopped ringing but after a few seconds it started again, now catching my attention. Quickly patting the serum I had on my hands onto  my face, I rushed back to my phone. On the screen was an unknown number with the same area code as Loren and Melissa. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think of who it could be. I had just spoken with Melissa so I doubt it could be them. Worried that it had to do with my friends, I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I spoke after I hit the green button to answer

"Emma Collins?" A very deep and smooth voice spoke on the other end.

"Yes," I paused, "may I ask who is calling?"

"You may have heard of me before. My name is Killian East-"

"Ah, the creepy asshole that my friend was seeing. If you want to know where Loren is, I won't be giving you that information. Sorry!" I interrupted him. My heart racing as I realized who I was talking to.

A deep chuckle came from the other end. "That's fine, I already know that she's on her way to New York."

"Well that definitely proves my point that you are a certified cre-"

"Darling I'm not calling you to hear you call me names. Loren is not answering me and I would just like to make sure she's going to be safe. I'm not sure what she told you but there are two sides to this story and I recommend you listen to mine as well. If you have time, that is." He spoke cutting me off. This man was also arrogant. Slightly annoyed, I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. I just wanted to finish my skin care and this man was taking that away.

"Of course she is going to be safe. She'll be staying with me, as I'm sure you probably have my address as well. And as much as I would love to listen to your story, I'm not very interested. S-sorry." I spoke confidently but lied.

I heard a sigh on the other end followed by another few seconds of silence. "Your stutter tells me that you are nervous to hear my side. Nervous but interested. You keep bringing up how I am  creepy because of what she told you, which tells me that you are interested. So despite your horrible attempt at lying, I will do you a favor and tell you what happened." He responded and paused waiting for me to tell him otherwise. He caught me, I was actually interested. After a few seconds of silence on my end, he continued on.

"So let me start off with the file that Loren told you about. I got home and found her gone, when she didn't text me back for a few hours I got concerned. I opened my laptop to distract myself with work emails and was greeted with the site of her file. Now, you need to understand that I am a wealthy man and I am not saying that to brag. I am saying that because you need to understand that women will do whatever they can to get to me and my money. So it only makes sense to do a little background check on the women that I get involved with. This includes some background information such as their friends, family, work, school, and so on. It also includes their phone numbers, addresses, and some financial background. Nothing more personal than that. It does seem very extensive but you can tell a lot about a person with this information. Are they an irresponsible spender? Are their friends felons? In Loren's case; no. I know that you and Melissa are also successful and smart women." He paused to take a breath.

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