Chapter 41: Testing

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The words flowed out of the mans mouth as if he had been saying it his whole life. There was no evidence of even the slightest smile on his stone cold face. Wrinkles creased his face in the slightest of areas, only visible if you were really looking. His hair was loose yet styled effortlessly as if he had just spent the day on a boat. He wore a similar white cotton button down with navy blue shorts, an even tan over his whole body.

As I stared at the man, who I figured was Killian's father, he didn't even glance my way. His eyes were glued on his son that stood behind me, frozen in his tracks.

Well, I guess as everyone always says, 'speaking of the devil'.

The was a deadly silence for a few seconds until I heard Killian shift uncomfortably and speak out.

"Father," his deep voice spoke without tremor. "I didn't think id be seeing you here". He stepped out from behind me and towards the man he had just told me about. It was almost as if I wasn't even in the room. My mind kept jumping to what Killian had told me but I forced myself to stop. The room was so quiet I was afraid they would hear my thoughts.

"Oh of course you didn't Killian, you don't think of anything" his father exclaimed and let out a roar of laughter. Feeling uneasy I took a step back but Killian placed his hand on my back, holding me in place.

"I see you are still in your old ways father. Dont mind us, we'll be staying at a hotel for the remainder of our trip". His gently pushed on my back as he stepped forward but stopped in his place when his father held up his hand to stop us.

"Oh come on now Killlian, your old man is just throwing around a joke. Don't let your feelings overwhelm your actions as you always let them. Who is this 'we' anyways?" He motioned air-quotes around the word we as he looked at myself for the first time since he entered the room.

"Let the poor girl go and how about you spend the week with your old man to catch up like old times. We have a lot to discuss!" His father smiled coldly but Killian was quick to respond, wiping the smile right off of his face.

"I already know what you want to discuss father and my position is the same as it's always been."

His father pursed his lips and shook his head slowly. "One day you will regret this Killian" he said as he turned and walked out of the room.

What an odd encounter. I stood in place as if I wasn't even present for the entire encounter as Killian pulled out his phone and immediately dialed somebody, requesting the penthouse suite at the local resort.

Once he was off the phone he grabbed our bags and without saying anything walked out of the room, me following close behind.

Further down the hallway I heard a door slam, probably by Killian's father. Within minutes we were at then front of the house. The sun had set during the encounter and a cool breeze now filled the air. I felt a tickle on my right forearm and looked down to see a bug the size of my thumb.

"Agh!" I yelped out as I jumped and smacked at my arm. "Get it off!!" I cried out again. I didn't look at it long enough to know what it was, all I knew was that it did not belong remotely near me. After a few skips and jumps I decided to check my arm again and thankfully the insect was gone. To where? I don't care, as long as it wasn't on me.

Returning back to reality I realized that Killian was stopped in front of me trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. His lips twitched when I looked up at him and all I could do was give him the side eye.

"What, you think thats funny?" I glared as he smiled back.

"Welcome to Florida" he chuckled.

Once in the car the tensions in the air returned. I wasn't quite sure how to start the conversation of 'well that was a nice way to meet your father but not really meet because you both just acted like I wasn't even there'. Luckily I didn't have to put too much thought into that as Killian broke the silence for me.

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