Chapter 22: His

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Loren's POV

His words left me speechless. Blood rushed to my face as I imagined the worst.

"So you were stalking me???" I almost yelled.

"Jesus Loren, No" he responded back, his face twisting into an expression that made me feel stupid. "You really didn't look at my file, or even google me. I have an office in New York. The reason why I had to leave you that night was because something had come up there which needed my attention. I tried to fix it then but it turned out that I needed to be there in person. And that also happened to be the same time you decided to run off" He shrugged. "But don't lie to yourself princess, I know that every single ounce of you had hoped it was me"

For some reason this statement sent chills down my whole body. It was true. I did hope it was him and I had spent a good thirty seconds staring at the empty chair after he had left, wishing that whoever it was would return.

Killian stood up and walked over to me, offering his hand. I grabbed it as he led me over to the living room. The fireplace out here lit up the room, its amber flames warming up the couches in front of it. I sat down on the leather as he handed me a blanket.

"So now, it's your turn to explain yourself." he spoke as he sat himself next to me. "Why did you come to my office without planning to see me?" His dark eyes glistened as they reflected the flames beside him.

"I didn't want to see you. And I didn't want what you gave me."

"You didn't want to see me" He scoffed and repeated back to me, knowing damn well that I was lying.

"Okay okay, I was trying to make a statement!" I yelled out in defeat. "You caught me!" I dramatically threw myself back onto the couch.

"A statement of what? That you didn't care to see me?? That you aren't interested in me?? Even though you are???" He pressured on.

"Ugh. You wouldn't understand. I just wanted you to try harder for me. I wanted to know how much you wanted me.." I realized how stupid I sounded as the words left my lips.

"Princess..." He chuckled as if what I said was actually funny. "You know that you didn't have to do any of that in order for me to do that."

"Yes I did, because If I just came running back to you then you wouldn't try so hard! I don't want you to think i'm easy to get like the other girls you've been with!"

He took in a deep breath and ran his hands through his stiff hair. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and put his head in his hands, rubbing his temples.

Equally frustrated with the conversation, I got up from the seat and walked back to the dining room with plans to clear the table. I shook my head as I started to pick my plate up but a strong arm wrapped around my waist, turning me around and lifting me onto the table next to the mess.

With both of his hands to either side of me, he leaned closer to me, less than an inch away from my ear. I felt him take a breath and the hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood up. Electricity running down my body..

"You're mine, don't you understand? How many times do I have to tell you this." he growled.

I looked up at him, starting straight into his warm hazel eyes full of anger and lust. The one thing that made me fall in love with him in the first place... But I wasn't going to admit that.

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