Chapter 47: Meet me at the Rock

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Loren's POV

I woke up the following morning with a pounding headache. I groaned as I rolled over in my bed and Melissa continued to snore beside me.

I walked downstairs to get a cup of water and frowned as I looked at the couch. I had sworn Killian was here last night. The last thing I remembered was walking downstairs to grab water in the middle of the night and draping a blanket over him... but I must have been dreaming because he wasn't here anymore.

I grabbed my water and went back upstairs to shower while Melissa continued to snore. I checked my phone and there were no texts or missed calls from Killian.

Once done with the shower I got dressed in biker shorts and an oversized shirt I bought from a little souvenir shop in Destin. Melissa stirred in the bed and finally woke up.

"God, every time I drink a bottle of vino I seem to regret it so bad the following day" She mumbled and I laughed. Thankfully I got drunk easily but I never had hangovers. Crossing my fingers at that statement though.

We walked down to the kitchen and she opened the fridge, pulling out our leftovers.

"Where's Killian?" She asked.

"He's not here, I don't think he ended up coming over" I responded as I took a bite of the cold orange chicken.

"Uhhh yeah he did?" Melissa looked at me and squinted her eyes. "I remember seeing him and theres cake in the fridge".

I looked in the fridge and there was in fact a half eaten chocolate cake on one of Killian's dishes in the fridge.

"Huh, he must have had to go to work or something.. but it's weird he didn't leave a note or anything" I thought out loud as I stared at the cake.

Melissa shrugged her shoulders as she pulled the cake out of the fridge. I shrugged it off too and continued to pick through the food.

About an hour later Melissa went back home, apparently she had a date with the new PE teacher at her school.

I had texted Killian asking where he was but received no response. It had been so long since I was at my house, alone at that. I decided to clean the whole place, everything was collecting dust since the last time I had been here.

I turned up my music and sprayed down the countertop as Cardi B sang out some explicit words. Within hours the kitchen and bathrooms were clean and my bed sheets had just finished drying. I was vacuuming the living room when I was disrupted by a knock on my front door. I turned the vacuum off and quietly walked up to the peephole. Edward stood on my front porch and his black sedan sat on the road with its lights on.

I opened the door and Edward immediately bowed his head and greeted me.

"Good afternoon Ms. Richards. Mr. East had to fly to New York last minute last night and has requested that I bring you to the airport to meet with him."

"New York?" I asked with a smile remembering that Emma still lived there. "For how long?" I asked.

"Im not sure of the timeline Ms. Richards, my apologies".

"No worries Edward, come in. I just need to grab a few things and then I'll be ready"

Edward nodded as he informed me that there was already a bag in the car for me. I thought about asking if I could bring Melissa but remembered that she had that date tonight. I grabbed my things and within thirty minutes I was walking onto Killian's jet, alone, for the first time.


Six hours later we were descending over the million's of city lights. Another one of Killian's drivers was already waiting for me on the tarmac. The spring air was cool and but refreshing when it hit me in the face as I walked off the plane. The driver greeted me as I looked around for Killian who was nowhere to be seen.

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