Chapter 49: Paparazzi

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Loren's POV

Killian and I sat in the plush leather booth seat while Melissa, Emma, and Adam sat across from us. We were in the same bar where I had last unknowingly saw Killian in NYC.

The waiter brought out a plate of fries followed by our drinks. Melissa ordered a glass of red wine while Emma and I ordered martinis. Adam and Killian both ordered some sort of whiskey.

We all chatted about our own lives and plans for the future, getting to know each other. The waiter continued to bring out various different foods and refills of our drinks. Thankfully after hanging out with Killian East for so long, I was no longer such a lightweight. 

I laughed as Adam recalled a time where he and Killian went to a party the night before a huge statistics final but had to stay up all night because Adam parked in an illegal spot and their car ended up getting towed. 

"I was always his babysitter" Killian laughed and shook his head. 

"Hey now, we're still here right? And I would say that we are pretty damn successful" Adam leaned back and laid his arm over the top of the booth.

I looked up at Emma who looked down at her drink and blushed. I looked over at Melissa who didn't seem to notice. Smiling to myself I looked down at my drink and took another sip. I didn't think life could get any better than this.

"So, how about we keep this party going and head over to the Red Box" Adam asked as he set down his empty glass.

"What is that?" Emma looked over and asked him. Adams blue eyes widened as he looked back at Emma.

"You live in New York and have no idea what the Red Box is?!" He exclaimed.

"Okay sorry i'm not a VIP like you!?" Emma shot back defensively.

"It's the most exclusive club in New York" Adam winked at her.

"My point exactly!" Emma threw her hands up and laughed.

Killian paid the bill while Adam called a driver and we all shuffled out of the bar. The cool wind blew inside as the door opened causing me to shiver.

"Here" Killian took his jacket and draped it around me like how he did during one of our first dates.

"Thank you" I whispered. I watched as Adam, Melissa, and Emma danced together on the sidewalk as one of the street performers played a beat on his makeshift drums. As a large black SUV pulled up in front of us, Adam pulled out a few bills from his wallet and handed it to the performer. I didn't see how much he gave but the look on his face told me that his night was just made.

The five of us piled into the car with Adam sitting in the front, Melissa and Emma in the middle, and Killian and myself in the very back. Killian placed his hand on my left thigh as I watched the people on the sidewalk turn into blurs as we sped off.

The driver slowed down by a bookstore and turned into a dark alley way. I looked up at Killian who just stared straight ahead. We stopped in front of a giant black metal door and the driver got out and opened the back door.

"Uhhh" Emma thought out loud "Are you sure this is the most exclusive club in NYC?" She asked skeptical. I looked around and the alley was oddly clean. 

"What, don't you trust me?" Adam smirked at her

"No not really, I just met you"

As she finished, a tall man in a suit stepped out from the door.

"Names?" He spoke with a mono toned voice.

"Adam Johnson and Killian East, we have a table" Adam responded confidently and the guard looked from Adam to Killian.

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