Chapter 71: Betrayal

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Loren's POV:

"I'm Vivian, Killian's fiancé." Her red lips curled into an evil smile.

"Jesus Christ, Vivian. You're his ex fiancé. And that was years ago, you need to let it go and leave." Adam snarled at woman.

"He still loves me, Adam. He always did, always will." Her petite shoulders shrugged up and down and she glanced back at me. "Sorry, but you shouldn't be surprised. You can't expect somebody like him to actually fall for somebody like you!" she laughed and eyeballed me up and down again. "I don't mean to stop insult you by this, but look at you.. and then look at me. It's a given who's more suited for somebody like him." She smiled and turned around to face Adam who stared at her with a straight face.

"I'll leave now Adam. I need to get ready for a special date tonight." Vivian winked and confidently walked out of the room.

I waited a few seconds after the door shut to gather myself and stand from the couch. It took every ounce of restraint within me to hold back the tears that built in the corner of my eyes.

"Loren," Adam started but I just shook my head. I didn't want to talk. I didn't know what had just happened. I didn't even know what I should do. Do I try to see Killian again? Do I leave? I sighed as I stared at the coffee on the table and picked it up.

"Here" I mumbled as I carried it over to his desk.

"Loren don't listen to her, Killian doesn't love her. He just -"

"Dont" my voice squeaked "Don't tell Killian about this, I need some space. Okay?" I looked up at Adam and he studied my face before nodding his head.

As soon as I set foot into the elevator the tears poured out of my eyes. Every ounce of my body hoped that I wouldn't run into Killian or Vivian through my trek out of his building. Thankfully I hadn't and by the time I was out into the sidewalk, my vision had completely blurred.

I wiped my eyes and I crossed the street, trying my hardest to get as far away from the building as possible.  Once I was a few blocks away, I stopped and glanced at my reflection in a window. I looked back at myself and studied everything about me. Vivian was right. Look at me, Killian didn't belong with somebody like me. I didn't have a body like hers, I didn't dress like her. Who was I kidding, dressing like a grandma thinking that Killian would be happy to see me?

I almost laughed at myself at the tears continued to stream down my face. I looked into the street and waved down a taxi that was turning around the corner. I didn't even want to face Edward.

I got into the taxi and sniffled my nose trying my best to control my crying.

"Uh," the taxi driver started "where to miss?" He asked nervously. I gave him the address to Killian's apartment. It felt like forever before we finally got there but we did. I thanked the driver and rushed into the apartment. I hoped that Adam had kept his word while I tried to gather my thoughts at the apartment.

So from what happened earlier, Vivian was Killian's ex? She seemed pretty confident that Killian still loved her. And I mean, he had to at one point if he proposed to her. My stomach churned at the thought of this. I couldn't stand to imagine him being with someone else, let alone loving them.

I sat on the lounge chair and watched as the ferry left the island and made its way towards the city.

Why was I even making a big deal out of this? I had no idea where Killian stood in all of this. What if he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her?

I wiped the final tears from my eyes and pulled my phone out. Not a single call or text from Killian. There was, however, a text from Adam.

My Protectorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن