Chapter 72: All You

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Killian's POV

"Sir, you have a visitor. And she's uh, very eager to see you." Val spoke hesitantly through the phone.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that Loren was visiting at the office. I surely needed a dose of my sunshine after my first day back. Though, compared to the last few months today was like a breeze.

"Send her back Val" I smiled through the phone.

"Oh, uh... are you sure sir?" Val stuttered. Something about her tone wasn't right. Actually, why was Val even calling me about Loren visiting? Usually she just let her walk right in.

"It's Loren isn't it?"

"No sir, her name is uh, one second. Miss, what was your name again?" I listened as Val asked the other person.

"Oh my god, I already told you." The other woman spoke and I instantly knew who it was without her even saying her name. "Vivian Bradford" She spoke in sync with myself.

My ex-fiancé. I hadn't seen her in years since I called off the engagement after I found out about what she had done. She was only with my for my money, my status. But I wasn't the only person in the world who was rich and successful and she knew that. So, while we we're engaged, she was also speaking with other men. After I found out, I realized that our entire relationship was a lie and ended things.

"Why is she here?" I asked into the phone.

"She says that she needs to speak with you, it's urgent. She won't leave until she sees you."

"I have nothing to say or do for her. Tell her she needs to leave."

I listened to the other line as Val did exactly as I asked and Vivian, being the typical Vivian, threw a fit.

"I will not leave until I can see him. I know he's in there and I know he has no way out of there except for that door. So I can sit here and wait if need be."

Oh my God. This woman was even crazier than I remember. I sighed and rubbed my temples, realizing that there was only one way out of this.

"Let her in Val" I mumbled through the phone.

"Are you sure?" Val questioned.

"Like she said, she won't leave. And she'll find me some other way so yeah go ahead."

Barely a few seconds later the doors to my office opened and Vivian pranced in like a pompous poodle.

"Darling" She smiled when she saw me. I grimaced as she spoke and looked her dead in the eye.

"What are you doing here Vivian?" I stayed put in my chair as she took a seat across from me and crossed one leg over the other, pulling her red skirt up her thighs. I felt nauseous.

"I figured I would pay my dear fiancé a visit. I've missed you so-"

"Fiancé?" I laughed as I cut her off. "Vivian, you were barely my fiancé to begin with. And that title was revoked years ago after you decided that I wasn't nearly enough for you. Why don't you go pester the other poor souls that you shared beds with while we were together?"

"You don't mean that Killian. There's a reason why you were so heartbroken after you found out about my measly affairs. They were nothing but what you just said, sharing a bed. I never felt an emotional connection with them like I did you, and that's why I'm back."

"But I do mean it Vivian. And I have no interest in any of your reasons for coming back here."

"Well," She started as she leaned forward, placing her hands to either side of her on the chair she was in. She gently bit the bottom of her red lip as he lips curled into a smile. "You may not be interested in my reasons, but I know somebody who might."

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