Chapter 9: Pink Moon

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Loren's POV

A week had passed since I last saw Killian. I also had a week off from work so I was able to get a good amount of studying in. Melissa and I had our rescheduled date yesterday and I told her about Ian. She wasn't very supportive of the idea, reminding me of what I said after I broke up with Bryce, but in the end she supported me and could not stop laughing at what happened during our date.

"Ohhh honey theres a reason why you were nick named the two beer baby in College" she snorted.

"I know!! But I was so nervous I just kept drinking and before I knew it I was staring at my bright red face in the bathroom mirror!!"

"Well you are so lucky that he is a nice guy. You better be careful, you still barely know him.." She warned. Did I ever mention that Melissa was the realistic one in the group? Because if I didn't, i'm going to say it again.

If any of us were to last on a deserted island, it would be Melissa. I would be sitting under the tree crying while dreaming of a miracle and our other friend Emma would be tanning on the sand.

The sound of my phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at it to see Killian's name on the screen and my heart skipped a beat. I hadn't heard from him since the night after I left his place. He had told me that he was traveling to Canada for work and wasn't sure when he would return.

I picked up the phone and before I could open my mouth to answer, he spoke.

"Hi darling,"

"Hi," I giggled "how is Canada?"

"Wonderful, but I'm coming back home tonight. Are you free?"

"I'm getting ready for work right now but i'll be off at 4. After that I am"

"Perfect, be ready by 7. I'll pick you up."

"Oh okay, where are we going?" I giggled, feeling my heart skip a beat again.

"Thats a surprise my love. All you need to worry about is making sure you are your beautiful self for me by 7 PM, no later. Which by the way shouldn't take too long, but I don't like to be kept waiting." His voice deepened when he spoke that last sentence, making me miss him even more.

"I'll be ready by then, promise!" I gleamed. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I had thought of Killian all week.

I heard him chuckle through the phone, "Okay love, I'll let you get back to preparing for work. See you tonight."

"Bye!" I spoke trying to hide my excitement, clearly not working.


It was an easy day in the ER so I got to go home two hours early. Hopping into my Jeep, I was debating whether or not I should go to the mall and pick up something new for tonight.

I decided to just go get my eyebrows done; I didn't have enough money for a whole new outfit. Arriving to my usual salon, I was greeted by my favorite tech.

"Hi sweetie! Come on in, i'm just finishing up with this other girl" She smiled at me. I didn't know her name but I had been coming to her for the last 4 years. It was so hard to find an eyebrow lady after my high school years of overly waxing them. Now they were uneven but thankfully they were thick to begin with so the damage wasn't as noticeable.

I sat in the chair and prepared myself for the 10 minutes of torture. No matter how many times I got my eyebrows threaded, I still cried like a big baby. It didn't hurt but once she hit that one spot, the tears flowed like a waterfall.

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