Chapter 6: Marty's

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Loren's POV

"Is that your personal driver?" I whispered, careful to make sure the man driving did not hear me.

Ignoring my question, he spoke to the driver up front. "Edward, take us to Marty's".

Marty's?? That was the most expensive steakhouse in Seattle. What in the world was he doing? I can't afford this...

"Um, Ian... I don't really think I can um afford to go there.." I started to play with the buttons on my shirt, "- maybe you can just take me back to the cafe and I'll just go home?"

I looked at the rearview mirror and made eye contact with Edward who didn't speak a word.

"Ian?" I looked over to him but he was focused on something on his phone. His teeth were clenched and his shoulders tense. A few seconds of silence passed until he finally spoke.

"Loren, I told you that I would take you to dinner. That doesn't mean that you pay for yourself." He chuckled, looking at me as his face softened.

The rest of the car ride was quiet as we drove through the city. I didn't mind, I was too busy looking outside the window at all of the window displays we passed. I took one last deep breath into the collar of the jacket I was still wearing as we arrived to the base of a very tall building.

Edward parked the car along the sidewalk and walked around to Ian's side. The door opened and Ian stepped out, holding his hand out for me. I grabbed onto it and his firm grip pulled me out of the car and he smoothly wrapped his arm around my waist again. I thanked Edward as we walked into the lobby of the building.

"Where is the restaurant?" I questioned looking around. All I could see were a few elevator doors and a front desk with a woman who looked down as I looked her way, almost like she didn't want me to catch her staring.

Ian guided me to the elevators and pressed the up button, "you'll see".

The elevator door opened and he started to walk towards the elevator but I stood in place and looked up at him.

"How do I know you aren't just taking me to a secret apartment to hold me hostage in?"

Looking down at me, Ian smiled and pointed at the directory on the wall. I redirected my eyes to the directory, gazing at where his finger was aimed at.

Level 58: Marty's Steakhouse and Lounge

"Oh," I chuckled nervously. "Okay then lets go" I offered an apologetic smile.

We entered the elevator and I took Ian's jacket off, handing it back to him. "Here, I figure it may look odd if I walk in there with a way too oversized jacket on"

"Are you sure you aren't still cold?" He asked, reluctantly to take the jacket back.

"I'm sure, thank you." I smiled.

Right as he finished buttoning his suit jacket, the elevator doors opened and we walked out into a dimly lit lounge. Red velvet chairs and booths were arranged among the space with small wooden tables between them. It was very busy tonight, well dressed men wearing suits stood at the bar while the bar tenders prepared their drinks. I could hear laughter from a group of women sitting at a rounded booth at the other end of the restaurant. Small hanging lights were dispersed through the room, with one large chandelier hanging in the main salon. The whole place was so dimly lit, tea candles were glowing in crystal holders on the tables. This was definitely a restaurant that I would have never even considered going to. It felt like they would charge me fifty dollars for going up the elevator.

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