Chapter 4: Again

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Loren's POV

It was another gloomy day in Seattle with heavy rain showers every hour. I was wearing my black rain boots, black jeans, and a cream colored sweater. My hair was pulled back into a low bun with a few strands left out in the front to frame my face. I threw on my tan trench coat and grabbed my backpack; making sure my wallet was there this time. 

It was 3 and I was supposed to meet one of my best friends at the cafe soon. I met Melissa in a group project during one of our freshman introductory classes. We automatically clicked and became best friends shortly after. 

She was the "realist" while I was the "dreamer" of the group. Based on her wisdom, i'm pretty sure she was actually an 80 year old woman stuck in a 25 year olds body. Melissa worked as a high school english teacher and volley ball coach, a job I could never handle. Her hair was a soft brown color and her eyes were big and blue. She was tall and lean, an advantage she had when she was on the volleyball team in college.

The other friend of the group was Emma. She lived in New York as a real estate agent and to be honest, no other job could fit her better. She was confident, social, and always had to be the center of attention. Her hair was a beautiful honey blonde and her skin was fair. 

I have to admit that I never would have thought that we would become friends. I was envious of how social she was and how everybody seemed to love her. But she chose me as her friend, so I gave her a change. Which I am glad I did because she brought out the best in me. I soon realized that we were more similar than different. 

I was about halfway to the cafe when my phone buzzed and my car automatically read the text from Melissa.

"Hey I can't make it today... work is keeping me longer than anticipated. :( raincheck??"

"No worries, next time :)" I replied

Well,  was already halfway there so I figured I would just go anyways instead of wasting my gas. What else was I going to do on such a gloomy day? 

Besides, even though I wasn't going to admit it, a little piece of me was hoping that I would see the man I ran into a few weeks ago. I could say it was because I wanted to pay him back but honestly I didn't even know if that was the truth. 

I pulled into "my spot" in front of the cafe and paid the meter. Stepping foot inside, the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans and baked goods overwhelmed my senses. I took a deep breath, not realizing how hungry I was and looked around for the perfect spot to settle down. The cafe had velvet couches and leather chairs spread out with industrial style tables amongst them. A single long leather bench lined the side of the wall, starting from the counter to the window. The walls were made of exposed brick and steel beams. Various plants were dispersed through the room and artwork was hung chaotically on the walls, but it flowed. Old world lightbulbs hung from the ceiling giving the whole cafe a warm and cozy glow. 

After a minute I eventually settled on a booth seat near the window. Setting my stuff down, I asked a person close by to watch my stuff and walked over to the counter.

Browsing the chalk board menu above, I decided on a simple latte. The cafe was busy today so I had time to look at the bakery menu as well. I settled on a chocolate croissant and ordered from the Barista i've come to know as Anna.

"I'll call out your name once your order is ready! Thanks Loren!" She gleamed.

I smiled and walked over to the end of the counter to wait for my order. Looking up at the wall I was admiring one of the pieces of art made by a local sidewalk artist. My gaze wandered down and landed on familiar yet unfamiliar face causing me to pause in place. 

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