Chapter 51: Slut

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"I need to talk to you" he whispered and led me to his office.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as he sat behind the elongated black desk and logged into his laptop. I watched as he stared at the screen, his shoulders gently rising and falling as he let out a deep sigh. Classical music played softly in the background. 

"How are you after today?" He diverted his attention to me and raised an eyebrow. 

"Umm," I thought out loud "A little annoyed but better because of you" I smiled.

"You aren't upset or anything?" 

"Not that much, no. I mean the girl was really rude to us but in the end it all worked out fine, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Okay, well I want to talk with you about something."

"What?" I blinked as I waited for him to continue but instead he stirred uncomfortably in his chair. 

"How would you feel about a trip..." He paused and fidgeted with his fingers. " Italy". 

He slowly turned the laptop around. On the screen was the same cell he had shown me before. Sitting on the floor was an unrecognizable body of pure skin and bones.

My eyes jumped from the screen back up to Killian. My lips moved to speak but no words left my mouth. 

I had never seen Killian so nervous. Actually, I had never seen him nervous at all. This confident and powerful man was now sitting in front of me, tapping his fingers on the desk. 

"Loren, I'm trying to keep my promise to you. I'm not killing him, Matteo isn't killing him. We're barely even torturing him anymore. But he's not talking at all. The fucker is juts wasting space and air down there. At this point he's just a burden for all of us."

"So why do I have to go see him?"

"Well, Adam thought that maybe he would talk to you." He let out a deep breath. "Initially I hated the idea, I said absolutely not. But then I remembered what you had said to me about keeping you in the loop and blah blah blah so I decided to not make the decision for you but rather let you do it." 

I stood at the other end of the desk and stared down at the horrid site that stared back at me and I immediately shut the laptop. 

"Okay" I finally decided. 

"Okay?" Killian repeated, confused at my response. 

"We can go, on one condition." I looked up at Killian as I pushed his laptop back to him.

"And what's that?"

"Call your parents and have dinner with them while we're here". I smiled.

After a few seconds of tense silence, he let out another deep sigh and mumbled a few explicit words. "Fine."

I nodded my head and turned to leave his office but stopped when he cleared his throat and spoke again. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He sat back in his chair and brought one leg up, crossing it over the other. 

"Just giving you space to make a very important phone call" I smiled.

Killian chuckled and shook his head. "Come here" he motion with his fingers. 

I walked around the desk and he reached over to a drawer, pulling out a small while envelope. 

"Here," He opened it and handed it to me. Inside of it was a sleep, black, metal card similar to the one he had given me to use recently. In the bottom left corner read my name. 

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