Chapter 55: Red Stitching

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Loren's POV

Wesley's head shot up after I confessed my name. He pulled aside his curls to reveal dull grey eyes, wide in the hollow craters on his face. His thin and dry lips slowly opened as he realized I wasn't just any Loren. I was THE Loren. The Loren that he played a part in torturing. The Loren that he knew why I went missing and what it had to do with Killian. 

"You..." He started

"Me?" I questioned, remembering that I wasn't supposed to know who he was. 

He remained silent as he carefully chose what to say. I counted the water drip from the leaky pipe before he spoke again. 

"You're too pretty to be down here" he finally mumbled and looked away. 

"Well pretty isn't good enough for those evil bastards" I snapped, catching Wesley's attention again. 

"Who?" His eyebrows raised but he knew exactly who. 

"I don't want to talk about it" I copied his statement from earlier. 

Wesley pressed his lips into a flat line. "Small world" he scoffed "Well, I guess this is a good distraction from my slowly approaching death". 

"Don't say that, we're going to get out of here" I pretended to look around the cellar for a possible way out, knowing that it actually was impossible. 

"I've sat here for far too long trying to find a way out. There is no way" he scoffed and shook his head. 

Above us I heard the heavy footsteps of the horses as they were brought into their stalls, the doors shutting behind them. 

"Ah, if my calculations are correct, today is when we get fed. And the horses just got turned in, so that means it's dinner time. You chose a good day to come down here". Wesley spoke up and just like clockwork, the cellar door opened again. 

One of the men from dinner last night crawled through the small door. Walking down the steps, he had two small plates in his hands, each with a small piece of bread, small piece of meat, and small cup of water. 

"Looks like you are getting to know your new neighbor well" The man mumbled to Wesley and paused at me. "You'd be surprised to learn just how much this rat knows about you, Stronza." 

Without another word he slid the plates of food into our cells and walked out, leaving both of us speechless. 

I looked at Wesley who stared at the food in front of him, not even bothering to eat it. 

"What does he mean by that?" I questioned. "Do I know you?"

"No" he answered. 

I sat at the far end of the cell and stared at the hard bread and browned meat. Wesley grabbed the food and I watched as he dipped the bread into the water, tearing off small pieces and combining it with the meat. I cringed as I looked down at the food. 

"This is all they give us?" I questioned and Wesley nodded his head, wiping his mouth after finishing the water. 

I nodded my head slowly in response. I stared down at my food and after a few minutes, slid it into his cell. Wesley's gaze shifted from the food back up to me. "You need it more than I do." I spoke and he finally moved towards the food. He took his time eating this plate, savoring each bite. 

"Do you know me?" I asked and Wesley looked up at me.

"I guess my past has come to haunt me now... yes. I do." He mumbled with his mouth full. 

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