Chapter 5: Cold

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Loren's POV

It was the following day and I was supposed to meet Ian at the cafe again.

 I didn't get much studying done once I got home and decided to Facetime Melissa and Emma instead. I didn't tell them about Ian yet because honestly what was I even going to say? Hey guys, this guy paid the parking meter for my at the cafe and now I'm in love with him!

I shuddered at the reality of the statement. Well maybe I wasn't in love with him.. but the fact that I was going to meet this stranger again did say a lot. 

I took a shower and sat at my vanity with my hair wrapped in a towel. I chose simple makeup; I didn't want him to think that I was trying to impress him. Letting the final layer of my mascara dry, I let my hair down and walked into my closet. It wasn't raining today but it was October so I opted for a pair of white leather sneakers, black jeans with frayed ankles, and a white oversized blouse. I tucked the front of the blouse into my pants and sprayed on my favorite sweet and floral perfume. I decided to go with natural hair today as I would probably put it in a low bun later on. 

Grabbing my keys and bag, I walked outside and into my jeep. I should really wash this thing. I realized I forgot to grab a jacket but decided that was something I wouldn't need anyways. It was actually a pretty nice day out and I was just going to be indoors.

Once I arrived to the cafe I parked in my usual spot and payed the meter. I found a spot on one of the velvet couches and set my stuff down. Grabbing my wallet I walked over to the counter and ordered two mochas; smiling to myself because I was finally able to repay Ian. 

Once they were ready, I grabbed the two cups from the barista and walked back over to the couch. Instead of my laptop I brought my iPad and started to work through a deck of flashcards, taking an occasional sip of the delicious mocha. 

I was too focussed on my work to realize that an hour had passed and I had already finished my cup of coffee, the other one left untouched. 

Maybe he's not coming I thought as I stared at the cup and frowned. I couldn't help but be slightly disappointed. 

Suddenly, the scent of a familiar cologne filled my nose, breaking me from my disappointment. Registering who that scent belonged to, I looked up to see Ian walking past me and taking a seat across the table, his gaze dropping down to the extra cup of coffee. 

"Am I interrupting your date with somebody else?" He questioned with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh uh no," I blushed and looked down at the cup "That was actually for you.. I got you a mocha but its probably cold by now.. sorry. I didn't know what time you would come, I can go order you another one if you want? Yeah actually thats a good idea, I'll go do that. One second, I'll be right back" I rambled again and stood up. 

Ian chuckled making me pause as I stood. Was something I said funny? He didn't look too amused a second ago? 

"No, sit." he finally spoke, gesturing his hand at the couch. Before I could protest, he picked up the cup and took a sip of the cold coffee and I swore that I could see a hint of joy spark in his eyes. 

I took my seat again and just looked at him. I wasn't quite sure what to say. I can't exactly ask him how he's been because I don't even know how he was the last time I saw him. Can't ask him about anything else because I know absolutely nothing about him.

"How did you know I like mochas?" He finally asked, again his face was emotionless. 

Feeling my cheeks warm up, I responded. "I noticed you ordered it yesterday, I didn't know what else to get you". 

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