Chapter 44: Punishment pt. 2

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!WARNING! This chapter consists of 18+ content including degrading speech. This chapter has also been rewritten from the original.

My heart raced as I now realized that this was the moment he was waiting for. Either I completely make a fool of myself or don't. Seemed simpler than it was.

You see, this whole night my muscles were tightened around the toy. I felt every movement, every vibration. Every time I shifted in my seat unimaginable thoughts swarmed my head.

I was turned on and Killian knew it.

I squeezed my thighs together as I stood up slowly from the chair. Though there were no more patrons in the restaurant, the staff were still scattered throughout. A few tables over a teenage boy was wiping down a table. In the corner a few girls stood at the register counting their tips and giggling. None of them paid any attention to us but with one slip, all of their heads would turn.

I wrapped my hand around Killian's bicep as we walked out, or should I say speed walked.

"Killian slow down" I rapidly whispered but as always, he knew what he was doing. I tried to let go of his arm but he just squeezed it closed to his body, trapping my hand in between.

Finally the valet boy brought us our car and Killian didn't waste any time with opening my door. He was just as hungry as I was. As I stepped to get into the small sports car he placed his left hand on the small of my back, gently guiding me into the car.

The engine roared as we sped off back to the hotel. Killian's hand rested on my thigh, only leaving to shift but every time it return it moved an inch higher on my leg.

"Do you want to shift it?" He asked, breaking the tension in the air.

"I- I don't know how" I responded hesitantly. I remember when my dad tried to teach me how to drive a manual car and I ended up crying. Needless to say we didn't revisit that course.

"It's easy doll, here" His warm hand grabbed my left hand and placed it over the smooth leather shifter. My hand fit perfectly over it and Killian's hand fit perfectly over mine. We came around a curve and instantly Killian pushed my hand up then down and then up again, all in sequence with the engines roar and gentle jolt of the car.

"See," he spoke again, "easy".

We continued this with me bursting out in fits of laughter every time we shifted until we finally arrived to the hotel.

We sat in the driveway as the car ran, Killian hesitating to turn the key and get out.

He turned to me and almost as if he was a completely different person, spoke in the gentlest of tones - "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, and I hope you know that."

And with that, Killian killed the engine and tossed the key at the valet attendant. We strolled into the lobby a beautiful stone waterfall on the left with koi fish swimming in a little pond at the bottom. We stood in the lobby as we waited what felt like an eternity for the old elevator to arrive.

Once the doors shut I was pushed against the wall, all of the exposed skin of my back stung from the cold glass of the elevator. Which by the way was see through. Yes, the elevator was a fully glass elevator visible to everybody in the lobby.

Both of Killian's hands were planted on either side of my head and his head was bowed right in front of mine.

"You..." he growled, "you drive me fucking crazy".

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. He let out a deep breath and slowly lifted his head until it was level with mine. His dark eyes had turned warm and glossy, his pupils dilated as they focused on mine.

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