Chapter 7: No Deal

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Killian's POV

I was livid.

Actually, livid was an understatement. I had finished all of my work the night prior just so that I could leave the office early today. Not only did I keep Loren waiting an hour because these incompetent bastards had absolutely no idea what they were doing, but now I had to bring her back with me.

I didn't want to expose who I was yet. She had no idea who I was and it was refreshing. She didn't know why people stared at me and bowed their heads when I looked at them. She didn't know why I had my own table at Marty's. She didn't know that everybody but her knew who I was.

Was I being selfish withholding my identity from her? Yes.

Was I scared that once I told her, she would only care about my money? Yes.

But she has shown me multiple times tonight that she wouldn't care. She thought that she was going to buy her own dinner tonight. For fucks sake she even wanted to buy me two coffees today when I WAS LATE. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS LATE, and she blamed herself for my cold coffee.

I tightened my grip around the brown haired angel next to me as I let out a deep sigh, unclenching my teeth.

Dinner was a delight. The girl is a true piece of work; she had goals and ambition. I couldn't stop listening to her talk about her dreams. I would take her to every single country on earth just to see her smile. I would pay every single medical school millions of dollars just to see her attend. I knew that wouldn't be necessary, not to mention how illegal it was but hey, I would do it for her.

The way she giggled made me want to pick her up and twirl her around. The way she bit her bottom lip and blushed when she got nervous or embarrassed made me want to smother her with kisses. She was beautiful in the most unique way. I had dated lots of attractive women in my life but none of them were like Loren. None of them made me feel the way she did.

Edward pulled up in front of the building and opened our door. I got out and pulled the sleeping beauty into my arms. I nodded my head to Edward and walked inside, pressing the button for the elevator with my elbow. As the elevator rose, so did my anger. I didn't realize my grip was tightening on Loren's leg and arm until I heard a small whimper.

"Sorry darling," I whispered.

I took in a deep breath as the door opened and I brought her to my office, placing her on one of the brown leather couches. I grabbed a blanket off of the back and draped it over her, taking one last look at her peaceful face.

I didn't mean for her to get this drunk off of half a bottle of wine. However I would be a liar if I said that I wasn't looking for an excuse for her to stay the night with me. This just wasn't how I imagined it.

I wrote a small note for her and left it on the coffee table in case she woke up while I was gone.

"Business came up, in a meeting. Wait for me. -K"

I made sure to place her purse right next to it on the table. I didn't want her to think that her theory of me kidnapping her was true. I chuckled and shook my head at her accusation earlier. Though I couldn't be mad at her for being cautious.

I pushed the doors in for the meeting room and saw Adam and the board members sitting at the table.

"Jesus Christ, It is 11 PM on a Friday night. What in the world would require this gathering right now". I huffed

The others looked amongst themselves until one of them was brave enough to break the news to me.

"Mr. Smith withdrew his agreement" a board member spoke, his hands crossed on the table.

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