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Gently setting him down in the backseat, Nova tucked Abeo inside like a baby, taking off his jacket to drape it over his shoulders as he snored off.

The moment was strangely intimate and I felt like I was intruding on a private moment. If Abeo was in his senses, he would've cursed Nova to hell and told him to stay away, like how it was always in his vocabulary when he saw him.

Nova turned to me. "Are you drunk? Do I need to drive?"

I shook my head. "I'm sober. And I thought you were coming with me to drop him off?"

"I'm following you on my motorbike."

"Oh, okay. You do that. I'll drive," I said, thankful he wasn't going to be in the car. Even thinking about driving Abeo home which would take about an hour and being with Nova in the car seemed awkward. I imagined we won't have anything to talk about and the silence would just annoy me, meanwhile accompanied by Abeo's snores from the backseat.

Once Nova brought his bike, I started driving and he followed me, sometimes overtaking me but he mostly stayed behind. I wondered if he even knew where Abeo lived.

Seeing Nova tonight, so caring and protective towards Abeo, he didn't seem like the scary monster I thought he was anymore. I even felt more comfortable to be around him, although not to the extent where I'd trust him with me alone.

Briefly I wondered how he ended up mute. Was it since birth or had something happened? There was no doubt that where drugs were involved, there was danger as well.

An hour later, I pulled up in the Oluwa's massive driveway. Nova pulled up next to me and got off the bike, taking off his helmet and shaking his head, then he looked up at the house which was not short of a mansion in amazement with his mouth open.

"This house is so big and beautiful."

I let slip a small smile at his excited face. I was a billionaire's daughter. I had grown up in a far bigger and grander mansion than this one so I was used to it but watching Nova's reaction was amusing. I felt a little bad that he probably never experienced living in such a house but maybe he believed home was more than a big house. Home was where family was and right now I was very far away from that.

"Let's get him inside," I said. "We should tell his parents what happened."


"What, why?"

"I'll tell them. Later. There's not much they can do at this time. Plus they won't be able to sleep after that."

I shrugged. "They deserve to know. Make sure you tell them."

He nodded then took his eyes off the house and looked into the car and watching Abeo, his eyes softened and I felt even more of my fear of him melt away.

He quietly opened the door and I assisted him in pulling Abeo out until he was again draped in his strong arms.

I knocked on the door and was let in by a maid. Nova couldn't keep his eyes off his surroundings as he took everything in. The elegance, the utmost cleanliness he was awestruck by the simplest of things.

He took his time observing everything slowly on our way to Abeo's room, not affected by Abeo's weight.

Footsteps sounded on the hallway and we looked at each other in alarm before turning towards the source at the same time.

A middle aged woman and a man emerged from round the corner, talking about something that we couldn't decipher from here. They were Abeo's parents, I was sure of it. They looked like they just got out of bed. Given the time, they most definitely did. The woman looked worried and a little angry as she walked towards us, the man a couple steps behind her.

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