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Meet me at the shop on the way to the party

I smirked at the text from Nova. Of course he was going to give in and go to the party with me. I had finally gotten my way like always.

I pocketed the phone and focused on the birthday boy. Everyone was wishing him a happy birthday. I had given him a big kiss along with my wishes and that had put him in a very happy mood. As much as he was annoying, he was a really good person and I was willing to make an effort to at least be nice around him on his special day.

Apparently more than half the school was going to attend the party, even Harper and Dan had been invited as someone's plus ones. Those two siblings had been quiet lately, never bothering me these days. It's like they'd all collectively decided to ignore my presence. It had a lot to do with the fact that I was more popular that them now. Still not as much as Nia and her two friends but things were going to change steadily.

After getting ready for the party, I sent a text to Nova telling him I'd be there in fifteen minutes. He didn't respond.

When I reached the shop, there was a closed sign but when I tried to push open the door, it opened. There were no customers. The place was empty, even Nova wasn't around which was weird because he wouldn't just leave this place open like that.

"Nova?" I called out. "I'm here. Let's go."

There was a sound of a door closing behind me and I looked back to see Nova at entrance...with the door locked behind him.

"What're you doing?" I asked even though I knew fully well I just fucking walked into his trap.

So this was his plan all along. He made it seem like he was going with me but in fact he was going to lock himself with me inside this store until the party ended. I should've seen this coming from a mile away.

"Ensuring you don't go around causing unnecessary trouble." His device said.

"This is ridiculous. It's just a stupid party! Abeo will be expecting me there I have to go."

"No you don't."

I advanced on him and attempted to reach for the door. He was instantly in front of me, his tall and broad frame blocking me.

"Don't make me force you to open this door." I said and waited for him to get out of my way.

"You didn't listen to me so I have to do this. I'm going to keep you here until your curfew and then I'm going to drop you straight home. Until then just sit here quietly and don't make it hard for either of us."

I scoffed. "You fucking liar. You told me you were going to come to the party with me and now this. Let me go!"

"I didn't lie. I just told you to come here."

"You're literally holding me here against my will. All my friends will look for me if I don't show up. I've told two of my friends that I was going to stop here before going to the party. If you don't want to get arrested for kidnapping, you should let me out this instant."

It was lie. I'd told no one I was here but he didn't need to know that.

He began typing and I took his moment of distraction to lunge myself at the door but he was quick to grab my shoulders and fling me back. I stumbled into his chest and intended to use the proximity to push him back and force him to his knees but he ducked and swept me over his shoulder.

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